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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Someone must have lost their billion dollar account.
  2. Hmmm...nappyroots reminds me of someone.
  3. lol...true Speaking of Trump's success, the establishment that hates him so much is largely responsible for his success.
  4. Oh yeah...promoting policies of lower taxes, smaller gov and following the Constitution are considered "radical" by many. Funny how you never hear the term "ultra-liberal" used by the media.
  5. My, how we have "progressed" ... ain't it great?
  6. Amazes me how so many think the Republicans want to control your social life but many of those same folks are OK with obamacare. obamacare will control lives much more than anything the Republicans could even dream of.
  7. lol...now there's a blast from the past! What, Me Worry?
  8. Hillary is a poor debater...cannot deal with tough questions because she has never had to deal with them, even in the debates. She will also have to defend her horrible record against a Republican...I'm quite sure they will bring it up.
  9. I don't want politicians to adopt any social policies at the federal level...or be involved in funding any social programs. I know that is radical but it's in the 10th Amendment that Smitty wants you to read. Conservative fiscal policy and liberal social policy at the federal level can't co-exist anyway. If we got back to the Constitution, it wouldn't matter what the President-elect thought about social issues. There you go...not how it is, but how it should be.
  10. lol...you coudn't be more wrong about me...if a Democrat ever stepped forward and said I want to cut spending, entitlement programs, let the states handle all matters not called for in the Constitution, I would vote for them in a heartbeat. ...but you will never hear a Democrat say that. So that's the reason I vote for Republicans...they at least kind of line up with my beliefs. So let me tell you how it is...if we continue to refuse to adopt conservative fiscal policies (set forth by conservative candidates) and continue down the road you moderates and progressives want, none of this will matter and this country will be broke. I doubt there will be as much concern from moderates about whether or not our leader is a bombastic jackass when they are standing in a bread line.
  11. So these "middle of the road voters" would rather vote for a crook (possible felon) that caused and then lied about the cause of the death of four of our finest OR a self proclaimed socialist rather than Trump because he is a jackass. Both of which will, without a doubt, continue us down the path we are on. You see why I have no confidence in these "moderate voters" ...they vote based on who makes them feel good.
  12. I was wondering the same...bullets must have less confidence in the American voters than even I do.
  13. Gotta love the replies posted below the clip...from folks far too smart to vote for anyone other than clinton.
  14. Sadly, we haven't had a man in the White House since George Bush.
  15. We'll see...Rubio will be a big spender is he is elected...I'll remind you of it in a year or too...comes from years and years of seeing promises that don't match up with actions. And pardon me if I don't put much stock in your world traveler grad student buddies decision on presidential picks...lol. I'm out, it's late...gotta get up go to work in the morning.
  16. Rubio will be more of the same that we have had for a while, and the spending will continue because he feels like central planning (and spending) is appropriate. Maybe they aren't serving kool-aid at the GOP these days...I wouldn't know...dude.
  17. The Cruz campaign fired the guy...not sure what else they can do. You have drank the GOP kool-aid and decided to settle for Rubio because he's the "safest" bet. He will do nothing to stop the spending or make our borders safe...you know it and I know it, but hey, we got a Republican in the White House.
  18. You probably are more involved in politics...I have a family and full time job to look after...doesn't make you any better judge of a candidate's character. Believe me, if Rubio is the guy, I will vote for him over the other side, but I will guarantee you that he will make no attempt to cut the spending and the debt will grow. So our side will win...and we continue down the same path...yeehaw.
  19. And you are delusional if you think a squishy moderate Republican is the answer we need right now. I guess you missed my point...your polling data means nothing at this point.
  20. [Hidden Content]
  21. One thing's for sure...you will never have a Democrat fix the economy, and we're running out of Republicans that will, also. Better vote for one that is still talking about making cuts while we can...I wish we had more folks that could get behind someone like Paul that would like to actually go by the Constitution and let gay marriage, abortion, welfare, education and all the other stuff that the fed gov has no business in go back to the states to decide. Sadly, we're past that...too many folks looking for answers from the fed gov.
  22. what groups would he discriminate against?
  23. Trump and Clinton I can understand...just curious, what is it about Cruz that makes you feel sick to your stomach...not asking about his personality, but his policies and record?
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