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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. From the article: There was an increase in diversity among Republicans in Congress, with more GOP minorities and women elected on November 4, 2014. My point exactly...the Dems have no claim to be the ONLY party of diversity.
  2. When you look at the candidates on both sides, I wonder how the Dems can still claim to be the party of diversity?
  3. Good debate...I didn't miss the circus like atmosphere we've seen in the earlier ones.
  4. Prayers and strength for the family.
  5. Not sure...but I would be willing to give it a shot!
  6. I will believe the GOP is conservative when they start proposing (and making if in the majority) actual cuts to entitlement programs and eliminating programs completely. And I mean real cuts, not the games they play by increasing a program by 5% when it was originally supposed to be increased by 10% and turn around and announce the program was cut by 5%.
  7. Not very
  8. More obamanomics [Hidden Content]
  9. [Hidden Content] From the article: Al Jazeera America, which went on the air in 2013 -- and is partly funded by the ruling family of Qatar -- announced Wednesday it is shutting down at the end of April, citing the "economic landscape of the media environment." ...in other words, nobody is watching us.
  10. [Hidden Content] From the article: “Any action directed at opposing teams or their spectators with the intent to taunt, disrespect, distract or entice an unsporting behavior in response is not acceptable sportsmanship,” the WIAA wrote in an email obtained by the Post-Crescent. “Student groups, school administrators and event managers should take immediate steps to correct this unsporting behavior.” SMH
  11. Yep...if nothing else, at least Bernie is honest.
  12. Every thread has to be about race...smh.
  13. I thought of these same two events when I first read the thread and the claims being made...no Muslims or Blacks involved in that murderous action from our fed gov.
  14. I'll take a guess...none. Maybe the fed gov has no business controlling/owning large blocks of land and people are tired of their nonsensical management practices.
  15. [Hidden Content] Come on 2016
  16. The worst thing a Democrat can do is actually tell the truth about their policies...shame on her.
  17. [Hidden Content] RIP...one of the most popular sports figures/entertainers of all time.
  18. Merry Christmas
  19. Merry Christmas
  20. lol...exactly right...sadly, it works.
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