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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Simply part of an agenda...they don't believe it for a second. Just like they know obamacare is a miserable failure as well. It's all about control.
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. Al trying to stay relevant...bless his heart.
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. Yes, that is the Old Testament...God was distinguishing his chosen ones from the pagan nations...another discussion for another time. That aside...we are in the modern world, and Christians don't seem to be flying planes into buildings killing thousands, blowing folks up and mass shooting in the name of religion, are they? The second they start, I'll be as concerned about them as I am about Muslim terrorism.
  6. I can agree with you on both points...even though sometimes it is well intended, we usually make a mess when we meddle in other's affairs. I don't agree that if we stopped today, the violence from the Muslim community will stop. By it's definition, Islam means to submit to one God...it's followers are taught the infidel will either submit, be killed or be enslaved.
  7. Sure, it has got to be our fault. Apparently, Japan only allows the ones in that won't blow them up or kill folks in a mass shooting. But hey, that might be profiling. And I don't believe the part in bold for a second.
  8. How rude...Japan is putting national security and the safety of their citizens above political correctness. So glad we in this country are much too progressive for such nonsense.
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. They deserve better city leaders and should demand it. I think they are protesting for the wrong reasons, but replacing the lousy city managers is a start.
  11. I fully support their right to be outraged...I fully support their right to be offended. Does anything need to be done because they are outraged or offended...no. Just don't vote for him. It's a shame they don't get as outraged over the Muslims that are killing folks.
  12. [Hidden Content]
  13. Obama, who was a Constitutional Professor, said the Constitution was "deeply flawed" and was a "Charter of negative liberties". Is he right...no. You don't have to be a Harvard law professor to understand the Constitution...even though they want you to think so.
  14. When we get enough Muslims in country, the First Amendment will be the first amendment to go. Muslims are not fond of it, just take a look at any Muslim country.
  15. [Hidden Content]
  16. [Hidden Content]
  17. Build more factories...shovel ready jobs.
  18. This stuff isn't that hard to figure out...not sure why our President can't do it...unless he simply refuses to.
  19. I like the repeal and defund part. On another note...from the article: Not to be outdone, Democrats seized the debate to try to force votes on gun control legislation that could put some Republicans in a politically tough position as the country is reeling from a recent spate of mass shootings. As more and more of these shootings take place, I believe Democrats are going to hurt themselves the more they push the nonsense of gun control.
  20. He has made these statements before...like these types of shootings don't happen other countries to the degree that they happen here. Usually it's followed with another line of reasoning of why we need more gun control. [Hidden Content] From the article...just one of the quotes: “The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world, and there’s some steps we could take, not to eliminate every one of these mass shootings, but to improve the odds that they don’t happen as frequently.”
  21. SMH [Hidden Content] From the article: On Tuesday, President Obama stunned Americans and French alike with his false claims about gun violence in America. "I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings. This just doesn’t happen in other countries,” claimed Obama. It is a claim that he has continually repeated over the years.
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