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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. ​Theory of evolution, theory that folks are born gay, theory that climate change is caused by man. Rooted in science...lol.
  2. ​From the article: No studies have found specific "gay genes" that reliably make someone gay. So another "theory" just like evolution...rooted in science...lol. The right actually embraces science, the left embraces unprovable "theories".
  3. Good question... amazing how all this disingenuous contempt has surfaced over a TV show that has no shred of racism in it.
  4. Better thicken that sensitive skin if he want to be President... He could get some good advice from his brother on that.
  5. If that state or city decides to remove them...Memphis can make their own decisions on what to remove.
  6. Funny stuff...and sad. How we have "progressed".
  7. Brave guy and good ending to the story. My question is why these folks were in a Motel 6? [Hidden Content]
  8. I posted this very thing on the other thread, I questioned whether this would happen...ridiculous!
  9. Businesses should be able to make the call, and reap the rewards or suffer the consequences IMO. Taking a stand can help, like Chic-fil-a, or it could hurt, like the Dixie Chicks, but should be allowed without gov interference...let the market decide.
  10. If he was going to keep out all sinners, no one could come in. Would you make any distinction between a child molester and someone that speeds...both are sinners. He can make his choice and folks can decide whether or not to go there.
  11. Should be his call to ban whoever he wants for whatever behavior he wants. Some businesses may make the call simply because they feel it might cost them business.
  12. Yes, they should be able to refuse service to homosexuals. What if they had a business with a conservative crowd that might be uncomfortable around homosexuals...should they be forced to sit by and lose business. You could replace them with rowdy bikers that made folks uncomfortable and not come back... Can they be refused?
  13. ​The Word of God doesn't blind you.
  14. ​God makes it very clear to be submissive to authority but we (Christians) are never to put man's law above God's law. The story of Daniel makes this very clear as well as Jesus challenging the authority of the Pharisees who were the spiritual "leaders" of that time. Should he have just shut his mouth and not "judged" their behavior...No. Does anyone believe God would approve of abortion, or the fact that our gov approves and funds it...No. We are to submit to authority, but not if it is in contrast to God's word. There are funds that a gov must have to operate (Caesar's)...but it was never intended to be spent on some of the things we are spending them on.
  15. ​[Hidden Content] Opening statement of the document: This study is not intended as a proposed public policy recommendation, but simply a demonstration that America’s historical record contains evidence that the Ten Commandments had an influence on America’s founders, leaders and system of government. Read and decide for yourself...lots of direct quotes from letters in the document.
  16. ​That's your opinion anyway.
  17. ​This is a tough one...he may be a great teacher that make a mistake. I will say this, he had an opportunity to show these kids the respect that should be shown for our Flag and what it stands for and blew it. Seems when one of the kids pointed out the lack of respect he was showing the Flag, rather than agree he decided to give a "free speech" lesson instead.
  18. [Hidden Content]
  19. ​lol...I went and looked at the EPA report and sure enough, it's in there. The EPA is an absolute joke.
  20. ​I'm saying she hasn't been a hypocrite on gay marriage...she has not conveniently "evolved" like some have. Maybe she should have publicly chastised her grown daughter, would that make you feel any different about her...doubtful. I'm also saying you call her a hypocrite on gay marriage while ignoring the much more blatant hypocrisy from Obama and Clinton on the same subject.
  21. ​I tell you whose loving this new ruling...divorce lawyers.
  22. ​I don't lump them all together either, but it sure seems they have more supporters / sympathizers than the media would have us believe.
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