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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. ​No problem...I didn't take it that way. I think too often many have a problem and automatically look to the fed gov for a fix, when they are causing / worsening the problem in the first place. We are very capable of deciding who gets married and which flags to fly here in Texas (as are all other states) without meddling from the fed gov.
  2. ​My main point on most subjects like this is that neither gay marriage or the Confederate Flag or a million other things should be decided at the federal level...it's a state decision. Each state can decided it's own solutions and if you don't like it, work to change it or move to one of the other 49 (or 56 if you're Obama).
  3. Sure does seem to be a lot of "radical" Muslims. [Hidden Content]
  4. I would think that like lying, they wouldn't have a problem with bad ratings either.
  5. ​It's coming...waiting for the first church to be sued for not allowing a gay marriage. They don't want our beliefs forced on them, (which we don't, simply find a willing church or start your own with like-minded folks) but don't mind forcing theirs on us.
  6. ​Don't need to read it...it was a bogus and dumb point to start with. Palin was called a hypocrite for not speaking out about her unwed pregnant daughter but still has the nerve to not approve gay marriage. That doesn't make her a hypocrite but bullets doesn't like her so in his mind, she is. Dumb point. And several (including yourself) decided to pile on...that is pretty much the nonsensical thread.
  7. ​lol, yep...probably one being drafted right now.
  8. ​So how is the right wrong on gay marriage...who makes the call that they are wrong?
  9. ​How is the right wrong on this, because the SC said so...lol. The SC has also ruled the killing of innocents legal...wrong again.
  10. ​This is about Palin being called a hypocrite when her views have never changed on this...I simply pointed out true hypocrites on gay marriage. By the way, Ron Paul, to answer your question.
  11. ​Odd that you only bring up Palin and not the top Democrats when talking about gay marriage / being a hypocrite. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  12. ​Stop listening to the clowns that talk about Fox...most likely because they are on networks that are being clobbered by Fox.
  13. But if one even mentions smaller gov, lower taxes or budget cuts, you are labeled radical and uncompassionate.
  14. Absolutely not....I made bad decisions as a young man and I had great parents. Being a Christian and not being perfect (none of us are) does not make one a hypocrite.
  15. Palin derangement syndrome
  16. Good point, very true. But it works everytime on many...makes them feel good.
  17. Yep...do a little research on how each is called to handle the non-beleiver... Big difference.
  18. Haven't seen that but I doubt they are Christians. The KKK claim to be Christians also.
  19. Don't think Christians are killing gay folks...kind of a big difference.
  20. What you don't get is that I simply don't approve of it...don't hate anyone over it or want them to be punished...I simply disagree.. Don't really care that my opinion is antiquated... It is right.
  21. Oh well, I'll stick with it...Christianity may be less popular, but that's no reflection on Christ... Only on our culture..
  22. Not allowing interracial marriage is a violation of civil rights...not allowing gay marriage is not putting a stamp of approval on deviant behavior.
  23. Gotta love Texas... unless you're a criminal.
  24. The fed gov should have nothing to say about marriage (like so many other things, leave it to the states) if you don't like your state's stance on marriage, work to change it or move.
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