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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. And so it begins.
  2. [Hidden Content] From the article: Runge ordered Fragos-Ramirez, who has previous convictions for DUI and driving while suspended, held for up to 72 hours while prosecutors determine what charges to file. Prosecutors say Fragos-Ramirez was deported in 2014 and got back into the country illegally. Read more here: [Hidden Content]#storylink=cpy
  3. ​Let's see...how many guesses do I get?
  4. Silly...some people wake up looking for something to be offended about.
  5. lol... So true.
  6. Welcome to obamacare... when you get enough sheep voting, anything is possible.
  7. ​Sad that so many can't see that minimum wage jobs are for young folks getting started (high school), they were never intended to be a wage that could support a family. Government (liberals) can try to manipulate economics all they want, but the market will always decide...sometimes very harshly. (Just ask Greece)
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. ​That's the plan on abortion with the left...stay away from the actual procedure, the numbers, and the effects it later has on these women. They want it to simply be trotted out as a wonderful and benign "choice", and they have been very successful so far. More stories need to come out about the inner workings or this evil industry...and we sure don't need to keep supporting it with taxpayer dollars.
  10. ​Or turn her loose in Louisiana out of season.
  11. ​From the article: At the end of the video, like Nucatola, Gatter talks about changing the abortion technique to get intact specimens, changing from a rather violent suction method that would destroy tissue to what she calls an IPAS, which is a reference to a nonprofit company that makes and distributes “manual vacuum aspirators” which would be a less harmful way to get at the internal organs. She said there would be protocol issues with the patient but that she saw no problem with it. She calls it a “less crunchy” way to get intact organs. At the end of the tape provided by CMP, Gatter jokes about wanting “a Lamborghini” for body parts.
  12. smh [Hidden Content]
  13. Come on 2016...we need an administration that doesn't keep getting surprised when the bad guys act "bad". There are evil folks in this world that can't be bargained with...Bush understood that, Obama doesn't.
  14. This guy did it right...a career that included catching Nolan Ryan. [Hidden Content]
  15. Should be a fairly busy thread. [Hidden Content]
  16. ​Exactly right. I'll put a plug in for the NRA-ILA here. There is a lot of stuff like this going on that you may not hear about in the media, but it's always going on. Join the NRA...it's cheap and they are a gun owner's main line of defense.
  17. ​Can't get more racially charged than statements from Planned Parenthood's beloved founder. These degenerates are trying to throw up a smokescreen...hope it doesn't work.
  18. Speaking of words and Democrats... are any of you offended by these words...or being booed for using them...smh. [Hidden Content]
  19. ​I can understand their concern.
  20. Does anyone think this department is needed, and if so, why?
  21. Exactly why this is such a bad deal. "Not allowed"???... smh
  22. ​Another different deal...what she said (lies) about Benghazi, her emails and anything else when and after she was Secretary of State is a whole lot different that Trump taking a shot at McCain...it doesn't have a direct effect on the public. Her words stalled and shutdown justice for dead Americans...Trump's words only hurt McCain's feelings. Big difference.
  23. ​Different deal...Obama's words and actions carry weight because he is the President. To answer your question, yes, I would have thought it was just as dumb coming from Obama as Trump, but more importantly, it would be beneath the dignity of the office. You are confusing me with someone that gets knotted up over every inappropriate comment...there are plenty of those folks to go around...don't need my help.
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