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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. The fed gov should have nothing to say about marriage (like so many other things, leave it to the states) if you don't like your state's stance on marriage, work to change it or move.
  2. Whew...it will all work out.
  3. Everybody loses at some point...we can't sustain this.
  4. ​Someone needs a BIG raise. Makes me shake my head at folks that hammer cops when they don't do everything perfect. Maybe they should participate in some ridealongs to get a small taste.
  5. ​There is no defending this so the left will remain silent and let it blow over, with cooperation from the "mainstream" media. They know that most folks have a short, or no memory, or just don't care.
  6. Are we in danger of losing "Dukes of Hazzard" reruns?
  7. ​Good guideline to live by...if you want something, earn it. Don't expect anything to be given to you.
  8. Extremist views...you decide. [Hidden Content] From the article: According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” Even more troubling, is the fact that nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.” Nearly one-fifth of Muslim respondents said that the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make shariah the law of the land in this country.
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. lol...some things just can't be defended...even though some make a pathetic effort.
  11. ​So who would you have make this call? Should the fed gov step and tell a sovereign state what flag they can fly?
  12. ​LOL...I don't think you believe I meant that for a second. But so I am sure you get it...No, the Feds were absolutely right to step in because individual rights were being abused/denied. That is something no state (or any other gov) has the right to do...not here, anyway.
  13. ​You may get no comment from the left on this one...they will, however, still vote for hillary.
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. ​What flag a state flies has nothing to do with the national forefront...it's the business of those in THAT state.
  16. Sure wouldn't want to misrepresent...lol. [Hidden Content] From the article: "Hopefully nobody goes to that film. We need to boycott that film, from my perspective, because it’s miseducation, it’s misrepresentation, it’s highly offensive to the people that actually were living during that time and also to people today," Dolezal can be heard saying on a recording of the interview.
  17. [Hidden Content]
  18. ​Good post...that's the first thing I thought of when I read it...these officers were trying to keep him cooperative. I doubt very seriously that they were in the least concerned that he was a little hungry.
  19. ​Agree...and to Tee's point, are we to believe that no Democrats are involved in big business?
  20. ​Christianity is based on Christ...how a Christian lives their life is how closely they choose to follow Christ's perfect example. None of us get it right and we all fall short.
  21. Speaking of playing to the low information voter...and why not, sadly, it works. [Hidden Content] From the article: MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, who claimed the authors of ObamaCare took advantage of what he called the "stupidity of the American voter," played a much bigger role in the law's drafting than previously acknowledged, according to a published report.
  22. Who do Christians hate?
  23. And now we have obamacare.
  24. ​That varies because you can get overlap where one can claim he inherited a bad economy and vice versa. Pure Republican policy if implemented would beat pure Democrat policy if implemented hands down...on the fed level we always get a mixture. You can compare cities and states that have had Democratic policies for years against the same with Republican policies and you get a pretty good contrast. When I say Rep and Dem I should say big gov higher taxes vs smaller gov lower taxes because you have some Republicans that should be Democrats, depending on which state they are in.
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