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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Please don't feed the troll.
  2. They need to increase their budgets for better hardware and IT personnel so these "unfortunate" incidents don't keep happening. More money and gov employees fixes any problem, right.
  3.   Everywhere except California...sure wouldn't want to do anything that makes economic sense over there.
  4.   I agree...but someone has to allow it.
  5.   He's scared of you...fearful of a civil debate with no name-calling.   :)
  6.   A great state to vacation at, as well.
  7.   He could have been a great man BECAUSE he was a Republican.  :)   I will also agree that the Founders could not have envisioned our problems of today, but it was their wisdom that allowed for the Constitution to be amended...not easy, but possible.
  8. From the article:   We chose Tennessee because the governor and legislators in that state understand what it means to support businesses (such as through job recruitment and training programs) that improve employment in the state without treating companies as a necessary evil. We chose Tennessee also because the vast majority of its residents and their elected officials have shown that they respect and honor the American tradition of personal freedoms, including the right to bear arms.   A perfect example of why we need 50 independent states free from overreach by a centralized fed gov.  
  9. From the article:   The GAO identified several culprits for the incomplete data, including technical issues with the website, a lack of guidance from the Office of Management and Budget on what information agencies were required to report, and insufficient oversight. Among the examples of oversight issues: The White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy didn’t report several awards it made, and told the GAO that the Department of Health and Human Services was supposed to take care of that reporting instead; HHS said that wasn’t true.   So they identified the "culprits" and then the finger pointing started...typical gov program.
  10. Bottom line is the fed gov should not be involved in any of these issues...among about 1000 more that they are involved in.
  11. Couldn't agree more on the marriage issue...no gov involvement needed. I would assume as a self-proclaimed Constitutionalist, you would agree the fed gov should not be providing welfare.
  12. Just a small bobble...when we all reach the single payer utopia, doctor's won't have a choice.   Ain't big gov grand?
  13.   Assistant manager at McDonalds, maybe?
  14.   Don't flatter yourself...it's not that difficult.
  15. Good deal...thank you for not clogging up the thread with your nonsense...please apply same logic to all other threads.
  16. What news sources do you consider reliable?
  17. So now we can only criticize an administration only if they INTENTIONALLY did something wrong...hmmmmm.   So it's all about intent and not results?
  18. These guys were probably used as examples of the success of the higher deportation numbers by being counted multiple times, that is, until they killed a Border Patrol Agent.   We need to secure the border...this problem didn't start with Obama and it isn't a Republican/Democrat issue.
  19.     Speak of the devil.
  20. You will likely get no response or be told the post is dumb and not credible (without a reason, of course)...or, there may still be a chance that someone that disagrees will actually say why and even post a rebuttal...but I doubt it.   The growing trend seems to be trash the poster or the source, or both, and move on.
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