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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. My bad Craig S...saw you posted same article.   Oh well, it deserves to be read twice,.
  2. [Hidden Content]   From the article:   In the case, the plaintiff claimed the Obama administration – in particular, the Internal Revenue Service -- is breaking the law by offering tax subsidies in all 50 states to offset the cost of health insurance. The suit maintains that the language in ObamaCare actually restricts subsidies to state-run exchanges -- of which there are only 14 -- and does not authorize them to be given in the 36 states that use the federally run system, commonly known as HealthCare.gov. 
  3. Why is this even in a courtroom...geez!   [Hidden Content]
  4. Obama also said if you like your insurance plan, you can keep it.
  5. I guess I could put on blinders and a cheerleader outfit like yourself...would sure be less taxing on the brain.
  6. Everyone's a loser with this administration... left and right.
  7. Plenty of left wing nuts will simply dismiss it because it dares to be critical of obama.
  8. How are we any better than Russia...you have got to be kidding. Your comments don't deserve responses.
  9. Trying to find out why Americans were killed is not a waste of money.
  10. We have a winner!
  11. So you're saying that they reported about Benghazi but not the coverup...why would they do that? If it weren't for Fox, we may still be hearing this was because of a video.
  12. The left will never grasp the fact that projecting strength is the best peacekeeper...works from the playground to the world stage.
  13. Good post....100% true.
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. I'm crushed...branded low information by someone that can't get past using the term teabagger.
  16. Sad...a window into obamacare.
  17.   You must be such a tortured soul....never met a "conservative"  ;) that hated other conservatives so much.
  18.   So just get over innocent babies being murdered and move on...hmmm
  19. Ted and Beck putting their money and effort where their mouth is.
  20.   Tithing is Biblical...taxes are man's law.   Jesus was simply saying follow man's law IF it doesn't conflict with God's law.   I can guarantee you that God would not want tax money being used to murder babies.
  21.   You were wrong about what He said AND who He said it to...period.period.......
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