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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2.   No matter how many times this is explained, it just won't sink in...smh.
  3.   Maybe so...but at least I'm not overwhelming them with too much "volume".   :)
  4.   We haven't yet been indoctrinated to sit down, shut up and be happy with the crumbs we throw you like so may democrats have.
  5. WOW...obama drew a crowd in Austin... very impressive. I wonder how many were illegals?
  6. Maybe one day the posters that make these claims will be as "enlightened" as they think they are...but I doubt it.
  7. I agree...that would be a good start anyway.
  8.   This is one reason Obama may not have made things better, and not to his fault...instead of saying those of you that "disagree strongly with his liberal policies" , it is now replaced by those of you that are "consumed with vitriol for this man."   ...and it is a widespread attitude (real or for political advantage) on the left.   I disagreed with Clinton's policies (remember Hillarycare?) just as strongly as I do Obama's, but was never accused of being racist for it.   The left better figure out a way to get over it and deal with it because conservatives will always oppose radical, liberal policies, no matter what the skin color of those pushing it.
  9.   Neither do I, but my disagreement with the President's views, or anyone else's for that matter, has nothing to do with race.
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11.       Now who is it that is focused on race, again?
  12.   Hopefully the paycheck will help him recover from all the trauma he's endured.
  13.   Think that is all lost...if you have never seen me complaining about big spending Republicans and Democrats , you haven't been paying attention.   The Dems just provide way more to complain about.
  14.   Sad to see someone that thinks they have something figured out when they are actually clueless.
  15.   I complained about Bush and I'll do the same for any President that I don't think is doing their job well.   Flame on...classy touch.
  16.   Well he should try it anyway and see how it works out...its not like us on the right are complaining simply because a Democrat is in office.   He has been a complete failure as a President...or do you think he has done a good job and we are complaining for no good reason?
  17. You need to make an argument for a change and stop regurgitating the same silly talking point if you want to be taken seriously.
  18. I disagree...I think that rivers SHOULD catch on fire...and I'm quite sure all my Republican friends agree.
  19.   Guess what...neither Kelly or Glenn Beck or Karl Rove are not Fox spokespersons...one is a commentator on their own show, the other two are contributors (Beck very seldom).   None are in any way a spokesmen for Fox News.   If you are going to go down that path then anything that comes out of Lawrence O'Donnell's mouth is the official position of MSNBC.
  20.   Oh well...if you work at Hobby Lobby and need a morning after pill, you'll have to buy it yourself.   What is this world coming to...you have to buy it YOURSELF!   It's a shame that is becoming such an "oppressive" concept.
  21.   Yes I do, or be fined and/or go to jail...selling tobacco to minors was illegal before 2009.   My point is fed gov regulations are not the answer...you obviously (surprise, surprise) disagree.
  22. Hobby Lobby pays for birth control pills...plain and simple.   [Hidden Content]   From the article:   "The petition is misleading. It makes it seem as if Hobby Lobby is seeking to exclude birth control from its health plan all together. That's just not true. The Green family and Hobby Lobby do not have any religious objection to birth control per se. Their plans have covered preventive contraceptives and will continue to do so," Duncan said.  "What Hobby Lobby objects to and the reason they sued is because the HHS mandate forces Hobby Lobby to include a specific kind of drug," he explained.  The drugs are called Plan B and Levonelle, otherwise known as "the morning-after pill" and "the week-after pill."   
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