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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1.   Amen...I have never understood why so many folks have no problem with folks like Jack$on and $harpton calling themselves "Reverend" when they take this stance on these issues.   The church of liberalism trumps all else to them I suppose.
  2. The low information gulpers will gobble this up. This is proof to them that she really does feel their pain.
  3.   Couldn't agree more...folks can argue all day long about whether we should have gone in or not...can't change that, we went in.   What is happening in Iraq is all on Obama...this is his mess and a result of his failure as a leader.
  4. [Hidden Content]
  5. I guess they haven't bought into the "you exist only to provide jobs and don't worry about profit" philosophy.
  6. And who could blame them?
  7. Nothing fishy about this.   [Hidden Content]
  8.   This isn't about an R or D thing.   There are lots of things that the Republicans do that i disagree with...only problem is the alternative at the ballot box is a Democrat.
  9.   No, moderate is not a good thing.   Moderates don't have a strong opinion about issues because they either don't know anything about issues or they don't care.   Neither one is good because they vote just like the those that actually do have an opinion.
  10. Very unlikely ratio, wouldn't you agree? They were obviously targeting conservative groups...very obvious to me anyway.
  11. If I was a terrorist I would much rather deal with Obama's wrath than Bush's wrath any day.
  12. So Westend, you are saying that the IRS targeted left and right groups equally...no bias at all in the investigations?
  13. Moderate = I don't pay attention enough to form an opinion so I call myself moderate to appear enlightened. I also don't make up my mind on a candidate until the debates because I didn't bother to actually research their history so I can be swayed by smooth talking.
  14. What an"enlightened" response.
  15. Good question... and we still have no answer. Many would like to simply dismiss Benghazi and move on.
  16.   Try making a case that defends his policies when they are criticized...you are obviously a fan of the President.   Show us why you think the things he does makes sense and are good for the country.
  17.   I think "free stuff" consumption is the new trend.
  18.   Sorry...twice in regards to being elected.  :(
  19.   What should be embarrassing is that so many were fooled by this guy not once...but twice.
  20.   No anger here...you are the one that is always complaining about "da system."   Some unresolved anger, perhaps.
  21.   Another "scholar" that has never worked in the real world...has no clue how real white men feel...he sounds like the angry white man.
  22.   I'm sure CBS went to great lengths to be fair and balanced when polling Tea party members....kinda makes you wonder why they take so much interest.
  23. And to think there are probably enough folks in the country that want to continue down this path by voting for Clinton...smh.
  24.   Bottom line is if we don't start implementing the types of fiscal changes that the Tea party promotes, the establishment GOP and/or the run of the mill Democrat will drive this country further into debt.   Whether you agree with that or not, it's the truth.
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