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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Tough news for the snowflakes.
  2. Yes, he does, you really should read more on subjects before commenting. [Hidden Content] From the article: Since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, his administration has acted on a number of fronts to reverse Trump-era restrictions on immigration to the United States. The steps include plans to boost refugee admissions, preserving deportation relief for unauthorized immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and not enforcing the “public charge” rule that denies green cards to immigrants who might use public benefits like Medicaid. Biden has also lifted restrictions established early in the coronavirus pandemic that drastically reduced the number of visas issued to immigrants. The number of people who received a green card declined from about 240,000 in the second quarter of the 2020 fiscal year (January to March) to about 79,000 in the third quarter (April to June). By comparison, in the third quarter of fiscal 2019, nearly 266,000 people received a green card. Biden’s biggest immigration proposal to date would allow more new immigrants into the U.S. while giving millions of unauthorized immigrants who are already in the country a pathway to legal status. The expansive legislation would create an eight-year path to citizenship for the nation’s estimated 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants, update the existing family-based immigration system, revise employment-based visa rules and increase the number of diversity visas. By contrast, President Donald Trump’s administration sought to restrict legal immigration in a variety of ways, including through legislation that would have overhauled the nation’s legal immigration system by sharply reducing family-based immigration.
  3. It’s really not that hard to google stuff and I have no interest in doing it for you.
  4. Sound about right.
  5. He makes the dumbest arguments, lol. Comparing a community where you ca get a home built with no SS number to a development in Hardin county, throwing down the race card if you dare question it. Like I said, waste of time.
  6. Agree, Lumberton is not failing to provide a good education, and they won't be affected by vouchers. Gotta look at what is happening in other school districts that will get here eventually. I never approach anything with the mindset that government cares about me or mine, that's why I don't understand why anyone has a problem with taking away their decision and giving it to the individual, as in vouchers, where I want to spend money on my kid's education. If you have a better way to keep a poorly run school district in check than simple competition (vouchers), I'd like to hear it. Please don't say the TEA, more government is never the answer.
  7. We're not talking about Trump, stay focused, for once.
  8. Yes, I do, however, some is avoidable, like the Afghanistan withdrawal.
  9. Yea, I'm sure he was simply looking for a photo op after losing his son in the 100% avoidable withdrawal from Afghanistan. Your guy has blood on his hands and you have openly admitted you'll stand by and help him get re-elected.
  10. Sadly, there are folks like yourself that put more importance on the speech last night than what has actually happened over the last three years. The guy that got tossed out lost his son in the Afghanistan withdrawal, remember that?
  11. Is your tin foil hat shaped like a Stetson?
  12. lol, I don't think it's simply about the big bad rich guys. Why wouldn't the struggling mom be able to send her kids to a better school is she had a voucher?
  13. True, but if a school district is failing to provide a proper education, the option to take that funding to provide a better opportunity for your kids is not a bad idea.
  14. That's one that has a lot of discussion behind it but I can't see being exempt from school tax. Personally, if a school district is losing lots of kids to vouchers, there's a problem that I would expect would get some attention and hopefully get fixed to bring kids back. The best scenario is a well run Independent school district.
  15. No more legislation, it's supposed to be an Independent School District. If you're not running it right, give folks the option to take their money and leave. More legislation is definitely not the answer, the less government in education (or anything for that matter) the better.
  16. You seem to want the government to pick winners and losers, I don't. Doesn't matter if someone is a lawyer, it's their money, vouchers would allow them to spend it as they please. I feel the same way about social security and medicare, I've always had a problem with government taking my money with no option to spend it where I see fit, same goes for education. Texas is the last stand at the moment, but there will come a day when the garbage that is taught in public schools will make lots of folks rethink the idea of vouchers. We'll probably have to agree to disagree and that's ok.
  17. Only Rs want to tax the public, gotcha. lol lol
  18. I would rather take MY money and put it in my school of choice that's better for my kid. We're coming at this from two different directions, your concern seems to be protect an ISD while mine is not. I also think that school taxes should have an expectation of a decent return on investment and if not, customers can take their business, and their money, elsewhere.
  19. We will have to respectfully disagree, I can't see taking any option off the table that could place a kid in a better learning environment when the option to move is not possible.
  20. I realize there are issues, both ways, but it is also "their" money if they are a taxpayer. I think the only thing that would improve a poorly managed school district is competition. I think it's an option to consider if someone needs one, at the end of the day, it's about the kids, not an ISD.
  21. Not a Trump apologist and certainly not in the worship zone, he simply doesn't live in my head like others. Already said I don't care for him, but not to the point of hurting the country by not voting for him. My point on the border is that you seemed more concerned about the fake insurrection than the dumpster fire we have right now, one is made up and one is happening, I feel you're better than that. Can you make me a list of folks that he has ruined their career or put in jail? Don't give me folks that are in jail put there by others simply because they were Trump associates. Would never convince you he's not about himself, he's a narcissist, no doubt. So was Clinton, Obama, on and on, folks need to get over it, although I doubt they will. Oh well, tired of beating this very dead horse, it's Trump VS Biden, we'll see.
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