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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Must have had linear thinkers in charge of recycling efforts.
  2. When you say stuff like this and get called for what it is, you shouldn’t be surprised. From your post: That's the thing. My problem, one of them, and it is your problem as well, is your white supremist mindset. That was the problem with James Madison, and many like him. You think that the only voice that should be heard is yours. You think that the only history is history how you see it.
  3. Democrats are working feverishly to accomplish both.
  4. lol, you never discuss anything, you simply spew your racist take on everything as if someone needs to hear it. You should try some introspection, you definitely need it.
  5. Spewing racist garbage in the name of Jesus, smh.
  6. I think that’s most folks, I definitely think it’s a coming technology but should be driven by demand, not mandated by government. I got no problem with solar and wind technology, but until it’s feasible, drill, baby, drill.
  7. I think many of the arguments against the EVs are that the technology is being forced upon us in the name of climate change and heavily subsidized by the federal government. Let the private sector drive the effort, not politicians that are making a killing by ramping up the so called green energy industry. I would much rather the likes of Elon Musk set the pace rather than politicians.
  8. It is sad, but it’s used in cell phones as well, even though EVs have surpassed cell phone usage already and will continue to explode. You would think the manufacturers would demand modern mining practices but look at the diamond industry. You could lump in lots of industries that have outsourced labor overseas, I guess.
  9. EV drivers should look into the impact they are having on the Congolese people so they can drive their eco-friendly toy.
  10. [Hidden Content] From the article: California approved a plan last week to end the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035, making it the first state to try to switch exclusively to electric and other zero-emission vehicles. But now state officials are telling drivers not to charge their electric cars during the upcoming Labor Day weekend, when temperatures are expected to hit triple digits for millions of residents, putting a strain on the power grid.
  11. I'm sure the folks in East Palestine were comforted by the diverse hiring practices as they fled the area.
  12. Haven’t seen Bobcat1 post about this guy while he’s been in a couple of threads when he’s obsessed with George Santos, you could even say… crickets.
  13. [Hidden Content] The Fair Housing Act of 1968 doesn't need any more help but the biden administration thinks so. The last thing we need is democrats making "improvements" to our cities, simply look at any city run by democrats, proof that they should not run anything. They are saying they want to relocate disadvantaged minorities to more affluent communities but that sure wasn't their attitude when they were being bused to their back yard and dropped off, these affluent communities couldn't get rid of them fast enough. smh...democrats From the article: The goal of "fair housing" would seem to be quite straightforward. As spelled out in the Fair Housing Act of 1968 — and found in realtors’ offices across the country — it precludes "discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings … based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), familial status, and disability." In other words, those who can afford to rent or buy should not be precluded from doing so for reasons having nothing to do with the ability to pay. But for the Biden administration’s Department of Housing and Urban Development, fair housing is more — much more. In proposed regulations that would touch any jurisdiction that accepts any sort of HUD funding, fair housing must mean a plan to "promote equity in their communities, decrease segregation, and increase access to opportunity and community assets for people of color and other underserved communities." Translated that means that the route to upward mobility for disadvantaged minorities lies through their relocation to more affluent communities, where they will no longer be "underserved."
  14. I want you to keep your mouth shut so you won’t keep embarrassing yourself.
  15. You have trouble keeping up, don’t you. What is not racist is that history books of the US are filled with many more whites than blacks, and there’s nothing racist about that, it’s history. I wasn’t referring to specific historical individuals at all. Read it twice next time if you need to, smh. Or, maybe keep your mouth shut and not remove all doubt.
  16. Very true, but not racist.
  17. So climate change caused the megadrought but not the rains that replenished? Interesting take by the "experts". Those are cools pics, though.
  18. Nothing more than a money grab.
  19. Thao is a self-proclaimed progressive, is this progress? Progressives/liberals/democrats destroy everything they are put in charge of.
  20. Sorry your education sucked, mine was much better, apparently. And yes, your points are pathetic.
  21. There’s a whole thread about the crap, read up on it and educate yourself. There’s no need to teach kids that one group is a victim and one is an oppressor, it’s nonsense.
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