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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Definitely a flawed system that punishes those that succeed and rewards those that are slackers.
  2. I don’t think they realize how Twitter works, lol.
  3. For one he flat out lied about the phone call between Trump and Zelensky, simply made up stuff and made it appear as he was reading it straight from the transcript.
  4. Doesn't sound like that at all, that's just how you see it.
  5. [Hidden Content] Poor Ilhan, the reason she's left off committee has to be racist, can't possibly be because she's an America hating whacko. Same old tired argument from the left.
  6. Look likes $harpton is trying to get in on it, smh.
  7. That’s on them, you’re responsible for your bad vote.
  8. It won’t be any different, the voters are still the same folks.
  9. Nope, wouldn't be losing with the other choice, that's been proven. The lose lose situation is squarely on the back of the 81 million, folks seem to have a hard time dealing with it but it is what it is. Can't wait to see the next great choice the moderates make for us.
  10. There's 81 million folks out there that should be ashamed.
  11. Agree, been saying this forever, how can it get more fair? That way when folks start talking about raising taxes, everyone has skin in the game.
  12. Especially the ones we allow to be murdered simply for the sake of convenience, pretty barbaric for people that have "come so far".
  13. Not at all.
  14. Lol, more demeaning.
  15. Why should the federal government be in the business of distributing wealth. Never claimed to be a wizard, can you disagree with demeaning? I wouldn’t call working hard and taking care of my retirement wizardry, I would call it responsible. I guarantee there are lots of folks like myself that don’t care to have money confiscated to provide for others that didn’t bother to do the same. Let the states decide if they want to provide this service.
  16. I could say the same for you, assault weapon ban is simply the toe-hold. Your remark about their NRA tells me that you are easily swayed with propaganda.
  17. Like I said in the original post, ain't happening. Wasn't much of a prediction, lol.
  18. Trust me, it may come to that one day, especially when everything gets bluer and bluer. The only thing keeping democrats from confiscating guns like they already have done in many countries is Republicans, and they are slowly taking over. You don't really think that Democrats are wanting to go after guns because they care about people do you? I may be on bad acid but at least I'm not drinking the blue Kool-Aid, which is much more dangerous.
  19. Meh, the rant is without a doubt a bad look, but for folks that really pay attention, the more nefarious actions that alarm me are the folks embedded in the "real" deep state by sitting Presidents that are not elected and can be weaponized when needed. That has come to light on many occasions recently. Folks can be put off by Trump and he can be voted out, as so many on here have said was going to happen, the folks I speak of cannot. I simply don't see Trump as the dictatorial threat that you do.
  20. When it's gone?
  21. Nope, I would rather keep the money and take care of my own retirement. SS has cost me a ton of money, I could have invested that and done so much more with it. Same with Medicare.
  22. "We the People" may have to fix it ourselves one day.
  23. Agree 100% with both statements in bold, especially the first one. There were a lot of folks that had no idea the train wreck that was coming when Biden was elected, but there were a lot of us that were not surprised how things turned out, we had already seen the template under Obama. As to the second, you can say that about most constituents as well, no party is perfect, you have to go with what aligns as best with your ideology, or choose to have no voice at all. The shame of it is, the Republican platform is very close to my ideology, but the implementation of it by Washington Republicans is not. Good post.
  24. So can you give me one policy that the Democrats stand for that a conservative would embrace, just one?
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