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Everything posted by LumRaiderFan

  1. Another talking point myth, Republicans haven’t cut any programs. Now the fact democrats love them some baby killing is not a myth.
  2. [Hidden Content] democrats unhappy that they won't get that second chance to kill babies outside of the womb after the first attempt fails. And we got folks that seem to think there's no difference in the parties, smh.
  3. I think the main difference was simply Donald Trump, the raid was absolutely ridiculous, as was the media coverage. Yes, the media is covering Biden, but not nearly as savage as they were on Trump, but, like I said, that's just the way it is.
  4. My take on this hasn't really got anything to do with Trump or Biden, I don't see either as a major deal and certainly don't think either was holding these documents for nefarious intentions. What I think is pathetic is the difference in reaction from federal law enforcement and the media on the two occurrences. There is no denying that and it certainly isn't hypocritical to call it out. But, it's always been this way and I sure don't see it changing.
  5. It's also funny that all the problems he pointed out are caused by his party. It's what democrats do, make a mess and try to blame it on Republicans.
  6. High inflation, invasion at the border, skyrocketing crime due to defund the police and high gas prices because pipelines and coal plants are shut down for green jobs that don't exist...all problems caused by your party and you post this thinking it's a Republican gotcha??? 🤣🤣🤣 Don't worry, these problems can be addressed and investigate the big guy and his crackhead son at the same time.
  7. White House Press Secretary having a tough time putting a spin on it, lol [Hidden Content] Can you imagine trying to come up with daily excuses for this pathetic administration? Gotta be the toughest job in the world.
  8. [Hidden Content] From the article: President Biden aides have found at least one more batch of classified documents located at a location other than the Penn Biden Center office in Washington, D.C. that he used in the years after he was vice president during the Obama administration, Fox News has confirmed. A source told NBC News, which first reported the development, that aides to Biden have been searching for additional documents that contained classified material in other locations that may have been used by the president.
  9. Stoves don't kill people, people kill people.
  10. Someone needs to invent a solar powered stove.
  11. QB and kicker, guy did it all, lol.
  12. Not surprising, you could tell from the Tulsi Gabbard interview that he didn't think anything he had done was a big deal and could be easily explained.
  13. [Hidden Content] From the article: The University of Southern California's School of Social Work will no longer use the word "field" because it "may have connotations for descendants of slavery and immigrant workers that are not benign," according to a letter from the department. 🤦‍♂️
  14. So the democrats are all about collaborating and creating??? 🤣🤣🤣
  15. Agree, not hating America and not sleeping with enemy spies should be a standard all Congressman should strive for.
  16. Always thought it was a good idea, and no one should be exempt from paying taxes. Everyone pays the same percentage so when someone (democrats) start talking about raising taxes, everyone will be paying attention because it will affect ALL taxpayers. No more slackers on the bottom cheering for taxing the evil rich guys.
  17. [Hidden Content] Great idea but it ain't happening.
  18. More valuable feedback.
  19. I see you also "like" posts with Trumptards referred to as idiots...fair and balanced, lol.
  20. The left on the board, and please don't try to compare this reaction to Trump's jackboot raid.
  21. Radio silence from the left, I wonder if bullets will eventually call them out? 🙂
  22. Looks like the holdout produced some valuable leverage, that seems to have been lost on the enlightened crowd.
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