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Everything posted by w

  1. The highest winning percentage in the state in ANY classification is reason enough for hype. And they aren't just winning by a small margin.......and it doesn't look to end anytime soon..... Ozen has had plenty of chances to be on top in football....why haven't they?
  2. I'm not quite sure the context in which you meant this post, but in my opinion, Vick shouldn't be let back into football. He is supposed to be a role model. I'm not understanding why ANYBODY would want to participate in anyway whatsoever in the so-called "sport" of dogfighting.
  3. I like them. Good choice, Coach Crouch! ;D
  4. The two mentioned for WOS in the poll aren't even correct. Rubin may be a backup, at best. He will be a force on the defensive side though....The other one quit fb and went straight basketball.
  5. Knowing the trouble Michael Vick got into, why would this dummy risk his career with participation in such needless and inhumane treatment of animals? It just doesn't make sense, ESPECIALLY since all the publicity surrounding Vick....
  6. How and why do they not "suspect foul play"? I would think everything would be under suspicion. It doesn't make sense to me! Steve McNair was found shot 4 times and the headlines read "Homicide suspected in McNair's death". Well, what else could it have been but homicide? It sure wasn't self-inflicted and 4 wounds (two in the head) don't seem like an accident either. This kid ran out of gas and was seen walking yet they don't suspect foul play. Something's fishy!
  7. There are only a couple of schools on there who have played fewer games than WOS.
  8. I agree. I don't think it was thought of any other way. I am just curious how Thompson was "misquoted". Thompson was saying to only place he will play on defense is at defensive backfield no other position on defense. Uh, that's not what this quote says, As a junior, he was a first-team all-District 21-3A wide receiver and second-team defensive back. He will only play in the defensive backfield this season, WO-S defensive coordinator Cornell Thompson said Come on AAW! Don't try to make nothing into something! The reporter might not have said to Thompson...well, Haynes played this position and that position...what will he play this year? He may have asked if Haynes will play any other position on the defense and therefore the quote...
  9. Thompson WAS misquoted. I called and asked.
  10. Moving football to spring? Is this "change we can believe in"? LOL...You've GOT to be kidding! We've had enough interference! Maybe it's the trainers that don't like being in the heat and not that they are concerned about the kids? Maybe they want to "google" in the a/c...... I think there was a time when the coaches wrapped ankles and tended to the kids....didn't have the "specialized" people called "trainers". hmmmm....
  11. Exactly...WOS' superintendent lives in Kentucky and makes the commute back and forth.
  12. I don't know all the circumstances surrounding the kids' death in Kentucky. What I do know is, that a lot of people look for somebody else to blame for something that happened unexpectantly. It's traumatic, it's sad but it happened. Could it have been prevented? I don't know...maybe that coach didn't give them breaks, maybe that coach didn't prepare the kids in the spring....I do know that some of the posts on here are right on, though. Kids and people are softer today because of a/c and the finer things in life that we have all grown accustomed to. We stayed outside all day long playing ball or playing in the rain or SOMETHING....we weren't allowed to stay in the house all day when I was growing up. Kids stayed outside....that was the rule!!!! We weren't as obese a nation back then, either! And we acted right (or we got a belt to the bottom!) LOL
  13. What's up with the coaches resigning before they ever take the field? That's two that committed to WOS and then changed their minds...pretty late in the ballgame, too, I might add. Maybe WOS doesn't pay their coaches enough....
  14. Kendall Cleveland was quite the spectacle to see as well! He was so big that it looked like he was running in slow motion, yet nobody was catching him!!!! It was awesome.
  15. That is the BC school district, Skipper...
  16. WOS is having to get back in the school bus business. They sold all of their buses years ago and went with Laidlaw, courtesy of one of our former business managers. It was supposed to save money. NOw, Laidlaw (or whatever their current name is) has dropped WOCCISD and the district is having to buy some buses before next year. 2 mil is what I heard the cost is. As far as the bond issue goes, renovations on the athletic fields was supposed to be a part of the bond issue that passed. Nothing's been done. Let's hope they don't decide to start during football season, but I wouldn't put it past them to try something like that. Just can't put my finger on what the problem is with the school board and the athletic dept. Why the dislike in the last few years?
  17. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You can make a kid go to school, but you can't MAKE him learn. They have to WANT to learn. And if WANTING to learn because they MUST pass in order to participate, then why do some people fight that? Just as S4L said....if the extracurricular activities is what gets a kid to school, then why is the school board so tunnel visioned? They can't see the forest for the trees because of having their head misplaced. Stop trying to bring the extracurricular activities down in HOPES that kids will want to come and learn on their own. It's not going to happen in this day and age. Stop fighting it and the other will come....make it a pleasant place for all to be (including the educators) and it will be successful. But the more the school board shows their distaste/dislike of the athletic program/extracurricular activities, the more problems there are going to be. Kudos for Ricky Jacobs for always supporting the kids in every way. I remember when a couple of other school board members supported ALL aspects of the kids at WOS, but they have gone by the wayside now for whatever reason. It is sad, very sad. I don't know how they can look themselves in the mirror and think they did the right thing by not attending the athletic banquet. The super is the one that is the most surprising. He was scheduled to make a presentation of an award that HE created (no matter how unfair it seemed to be because he didn't single out "most strike outs" in baseball or softball, or "fastest time" in track or holes in one in golf or slams in tennis...you get my drift.) That's what the MVP award is all about anyway, but he wants to create some kind of special award and then he doesn't show up to make the presentation. He "acts" like he is for ALL kids, yet he has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the band program and is the ONLY band that traveled for basketball games, which is unheard of. Even the band members didn't want to travel for basketball games, but do you think the superintendent card about that? Nope! You can micromanage to a fault. Be the superintendent and let those you have entrusted to run programs be the one to run those programs.
  18. The magic date was May 11Th. They are jumping the gun on this thing again. Swine flu will be eradicated by May 11, 2009 according to the UIL.
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