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Everything posted by w

  1. I agree, Griff. I have never seen so much disdain for a team as I have seen for WOS. Everyone else on this board can make comments that their team threw too many interceptions, or their o-line didn't block, or their defense stunk up the field, but when WOS supporters mention what they witnessed on a particular night, win OR lose, they are considered whiners and excuse makers for why WOS didn't blow a team out of the water. We were there and we watched the game and we see in living color what is going on on the field. It sure gets old reading how much people (like AAW and Kville92) hate WOS and the sarcasm involved with their posts.
  2. Congrats to Newton! Big win for them!
  3. Mucho congrats to the Bears on their win!!!
  4. Congrats to the Bobcats!!!!!
  5. I have only read the posts on this page but from my observation, we got our hats handed to us. Jasper is physical and they came to play. We're still trying to gel on offense. Something is wrong if you can't score on 1st and goal. We've got two weeks for the next opponent to lick our wounds and work out the kinks. The way I saw it though, we've got some guys that are afraid to get hit when the ball gets in their hands. What's up with that? On the other hand, #43 played his rear off and his cousin #44 is just as tough on defense. I'm impressed with Britton's versatility. I hate losing, but we need to regroup and regain some focus.
  6. What was the 8th grade score? It was the only one that wasn't posted. A 5 point lead is a whipping? LOL Guess you had to be there.
  7. 1987 wasn't it? And WOS won state. W,Land95 is correct.04 was the year we went 3A.WO-S was ranked #1,Jasper #2.Jasper beat us at our house 25-23.The same year Huffman beat us in the firat playoff game 30-28. Thanks for the reminder. I do remember that now. My apologies.
  8. Whereas I feel bad for the kid and this happened, and I truly feel for the parents, I saw a pic of the kid a couple of weeks ago and for 15 years old, I thought he was pretty well-developed. That made me suspicion steroids in the back of my mind. This morning, they say that the kid was taking Atterol (I think for ADD) and a growth hormone and that is what contributed to his death. Saw the mom on the news this AM and I feel her pain, but we can't keep blaming everybody else for our own errors.
  9. You sure don't know much, especially about Mustang football. Don't think for one minute the coaches don't teach 'em how to act. If they screw up in class, they get licks. They are taught discipline, responsibility and teamwork. Seems to me that life lessons fit in there as well.
  10. I'm thinking this didn't happen, right? 36-0 was the final score?
  11. 1987 wasn't it? And WOS won state.
  12. Gimme a break. Stop whining, get your team ready and play some football. Otherwise, cancel the season. They had lost last year by more than 4 teams 40+ to 0. WOS has played some lopsided games and I distinctly remember a very similar game vs Lincoln back in the early 90's (Kendall Cleveland was a senior). I didn't see it making national news then and it's ridiculous that the lopsided score in the article should be making national news now.
  13. A tropical storm and Hurricane Rita are what has kept WOS from going to Newton... has nothing to do with "want". Just saying Newton played them in 97 and 98 and both times Newton played at WOS, and if u can remember the game that Rita cancelled was post to be in newton,but hooks wanted it played at WOS since the tropical storm got his home game canceled and barbay agreed. But it Never happend anyway, Weeks after hooks announced that WOS was not going to play Newton next season because of the hurricanes That seem to hit everytime they try to play. This is not true. The thunderstorm was in newton and was cancelled AFTER WOS had already warmed up on the field. The next year, the game was scheduled to be played AT WOS but was cancelled due to Rita. The year Rita hit, the game was never going to be played in Newton.
  14. With Orangefield's explosive offense, anything can happen.
  15. Didn't realize they had two weeks to work on the Mustangs. Hmmmm....
  16. I still say O'field surprises a lot of folks in our district this year and makes the playoffs. The mystery is who gets left behind? O'field takes this one, too!
  17. I don't know about anybody else, but this WOS bashing is getting kind of old. I vote to lock the thread.
  18. not quit correct but close! Yes they did come in to Mustang Stadium and might not have had more points on the score board at the end of the game, but was far from being dealt with and definently was not "sent" home. They did leave town with their heads held high and very proud of how they played. They did leave town with the Mustang faithful left to come up with excuses sorry COOP reasons from everything to fumbles, to penalties, to the age of the players. I realize that WOS did get the win and thats really all that matters. I also know that when you win you dont need to make excuses, but if a 2a school that everyone expected you to beat by at least 30 comes into your home stadium and stands toe to toe with you and takes you to overtime, then you are only left with one of two things to do! Give the Wildcats credit for their play keeping them off balance causing them to make mistakes and excuting when they needed too! or come up with "reasons" why the mustangs "allowed" this to happen because everyone knows that Kirbyville could not do this on their own. Which everyone helps you sleep at night works for me! I realize this is a sin to say this about Hooks but there is two reasons I havent heard tossed around yet! unprepared and outcoached! A moral victory is a loss. Nobody thought that Kville would lose by 30. A team with talent to go to the State Championship is a good team and classification does not matter. We've had lots of good games with Newton years ago. Venom mentioned a magical playbook. I've been looking for it too, maybe its being saved for district play. LOL I don't think Coop is stirring the pot when talking about all of the penalties. Some of our most productive plays were called back because of procedure calls. Its a fact. dont most plays get blown dead before they develop on a procedure call? maybe its just me.........but i doubt it Do you even watch football? ;D
  19. I would definitely make him wear the long sleeved one, especially if it is NOT hot that night! ;D
  20. How can a team be 5-0 when, per the UIL, you cannot play a game until week zero... :-\ Maybe they are counting scrimmages! LOL
  21. LOL! Surely you guys are joking to think that WOS has enough kids to have anything more than a #1 team. Too funny! There weren't even enough kids to even HAVE a jv this year until some were brought up from the 9th grade. It was lucky that we had a larger 9th grade group.
  22. I've heard the katy area is on fire, like the Golden Triangle used to be.
  23. Since football has been around longer than soccer here in Texas, maybe football leaked over into THEIR sport. ;D
  24. not quit correct but close! Yes they did come in to Mustang Stadium and might not have had more points on the score board at the end of the game, but was far from being dealt with and definently was not "sent" home. They did leave town with their heads held high and very proud of how they played. They did leave town with the Mustang faithful left to come up with excuses sorry COOP reasons from everything to fumbles, to penalties, to the age of the players. I realize that WOS did get the win and thats really all that matters. I also know that when you win you dont need to make excuses, but if a 2a school that everyone expected you to beat by at least 30 comes into your home stadium and stands toe to toe with you and takes you to overtime, then you are only left with one of two things to do! Give the Wildcats credit for their play keeping them off balance causing them to make mistakes and excuting when they needed too! or come up with "reasons" why the mustangs "allowed" this to happen because everyone knows that Kirbyville could not do this on their own. Which everyone helps you sleep at night works for me! I realize this is a sin to say this about Hooks but there is two reasons I havent heard tossed around yet! unprepared and outcoached! A moral victory is a loss. Nobody thought that Kville would lose by 30. A team with talent to go to the State Championship is a good team and classification does not matter. We've had lots of good games with Newton years ago. Venom mentioned a magical playbook. I've been looking for it too, maybe its being saved for district play. LOL I don't think Coop is stirring the pot when talking about all of the penalties. Some of our most productive plays were called back because of procedure calls. Its a fact. Good post, Rc.
  25. Maybe it was a win/loss for both teams. It gave both teams something to carry into the next game, gave both teams something to work on, and gave both teams something to brag about. WOS gets to mark it as a win on their record and K'ville gets to count it as a moral victory. At the end of the day, the game is over and we all press on to the next opponent.
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