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Everything posted by t-time

  1. i believe setx has some of the best athletic programs in all sports in the state
  2. it's funny how celebs can always get out of jail. If a normal person from southeast texas had those carges, he would be in for a while.
  3. i'm just saying i know a few guys who decided not to play select this year because jorge decided to go. I'm going to try to make them feel like crap so they'll play, I'm just unable to play select due to lack of coordination.
  4. thank you stang4life, without you saying that, this place would be nothing but predictions and people mad because earl wasn't there.
  5. I agree with jsmity, only diadora vapors really aren't all they were being talked up to be
  6. NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. OK, im going to get some much needed sleep now, thanx
  8. please answer, this has been on my mind keeping me up into the wee hours of the morning, I don't think that's healthy,
  9. OK, in KFDMCOOP, is the coop part co-op or as in Kerry Cooper?
  10. thats a low-scoring game
  11. What division is Texas High? I mean how big?
  12. I think in this one, consistancy will count, i'll get back to ya'll after the regular season is over.
  13. YEAH! HJ all the way
  14. Sorry, just got back to town, haven't had a computer for about a week
  15. WWWWOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW! Kountze going all the way
  16. YEAH that's my bears
  17. Hopefully they can continue that trend Good Luck Cards!
  18. I'm going with Bernard-HJ
  19. Well, i'm just a fan, so i'll have to go with HJ. You can pull your truck out behind center field, talk a little smack to the outfielders, and tailgate without paying a dime.
  20. GIT 'EM BEN!!! this kid's gonna throw a 102.983749 mph fastball by the end of the season, ain't that right BENJI
  21. Chuck Norris will enroll at HJ just in time to join baseball and play all men on the field, bat 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and cleanup and all ya'll other guys will be sorry you ever even thought about playing HJ at baseball. How's that smack 4 ya?
  22. How bout that lefty pitcher, Ben Jones? They have more talent than ya'll think.
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