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Everything posted by B-A-G FAN

  1. You are a dirt dobber Kid ther is no reason to try to get your pants white ,it will only last till you reach the ball park :D :D
  2. Great job by the kids from Intensity and GT Shockers :o Both started in the losers bracket with a slow start and battled in the heat and back to back games against tuff opponents before they beat each other up in there matchup wich Gt won on a walk off two run HR. I believe Intensity was the only team to give the Blazer's a lose on the weekend . Not bad for a bunch of Homer's from DogTown ;D
  3. : well that depends if they play kids who left in ambulances the day before from heat ex. ???
  4. Great Job to the Shocker girls ,had a tough draw and did a fine job with it players come ,players go ,but they are always right there among the best
  5. CC that stuff also works to remove anything on a white car also ,fantastik(thats a whole nother product ;D)
  6. As long as he don't try to sport the green tights :-\ :D :D
  7. Problem is if this young lady goes on that field and dies the coach is as much to blame as the parents,Knowing the situation and the illness before hand . jmo ???
  8. I will add this to it . All the tools ,all the coaching and all the steering in the right direction are for not(Peanut butter and milk or not ), if the inspiring young athlete does not have the drive, the heart, and the will to succeed no matter the obstacles 8) Heart is something your born with not learned Give them all the tools to succeed and watch your athlete grow into something she wants to be not necessarily what you want her to be
  9. One positive if there is one . ??? It scared the cr@@ out of alot of players on many teams who saw her lying there and made them drink alot of fluids without being told .
  10. Shelby Phillips took the hill for the last game in the winners bracket and went down four early but turned it around and that was the last run she gave up . Congrats to a very sweet young lady ,you have been thru alot of ups and downs this year but you showed how big your heart is and showed what kind of competitor you are . My personal opinion is that haveing Caitlin giveing her advice and pointers before games and inbetween innings, has and will only make this young lady better . C. Whitehead also did a fine job in pool games on the mound and also did a good job behind the plate to give Rossi a breather .Was also nice to see TC back in the coaches box ,it has been a long time and anyone who knows him ,know how he has a way of motivating young ladies in a positive manner
  11. This weekend at a tourney in Pasadena ,I saw a young lady pass out from heat exaustion after playing in the brutal heat this weekend . The young lady was hyperventilating and fading in and out of conciseness before the paremedics arrived, she was in very bad shape and looked to go into convulsions :-\ The next day this same young lady was on the field running bases and playing in this same brutal heat with the hospital band on her arm ??? ??? ??? I have made many decisions questioned by others, but can not understand how a coach or parent would allow a player take this chance the very next day after being in such bad shape . Kids should be able to make decisions in life but a life and death decision changes the perspective. Heat exhaustion is no joke or anything to play with. It is an illness that once you have exposed your body to it ,makes you more prone to have again . Even if the parents want there kid to play I know myself as a coach would if nothing else have her sit the bench for her well being . What are some of your opinions on this ???
  12. Congrats to all the kids on this list and congrats to Trevin Sonnier ,I know your dad is pumped
  13. How wierd was the scores [glow=red,2,300]8[/glow] to1 6 to [glow=red,2,300]8[/glow] and[glow=red,2,300]8[/glow]to 6 ??? With the pitching from both teams just didn't see there being so many eights put up ???
  14. Mabee he could have at least sent his ESPN puppet to shake hands :D Karma is a ..............
  15. I agree .. Good luck to you and OCG and good luck to the New Team and lets play ball :o
  16. Thanks POP ,all this has eat my DD ,Myself and dog0917 and Another , up and I just wanted everyone to know it is not always as people see :-\
  17. I will say this truely the only ones hurt in this, is there old team and teammates but they now get a chance to play the players in every position they wanted too and new players get a shot they may not have . I personally am sorry it happend the way it did (honestly). The "three premadonia's "as they were called love this game and practice and go to lessons as much or more than anyone in the area and have added more for the summer so it is not a laid back ball atmosphere to kick back there last summer ,anyone who know some of these kids know better than that . The other kids on this team are good players and young players but never play select ball . Working with some of the experienced pitching and older players can only make them better and like I said if not for this team all but mabee one would not be playing and mabee they will continue to play for years to come that would be a great thing from a bad situation . The three seniors have been leaders to these girls all year and that is why they wanted to play with them one last summer before they moved off . Most will never know the bond this HS team has had for two years and there success expresses that . All HS teams do not experience this . Right or wrong it is these three girls last chance to go out and play with some kids they have grown a endless bond with before they move off to College and Softball is a full time job . I personally am sorry CC and Cheater and I do apologize ,I never intended it this way and thank you both for all you did for my DD she and I will never forget you . From a dads point of view who's daughter is moving off , I just wanted her to be happy her last summer home , not what is best for her carreer in softball what is best for her to have fun and have an experience she believes will last a lifetime ,because life is to short . . Again as you know I do not apologize easy, but I do to anyone that was hurt in this deal it truly was not the intentions :-\ I will get off my soap box now ,I just wanted the truth on my part put out there and let you know these kids are trying to do a good thing it may not have come out that way but they were :-\
  18. Thanks a bunch guys and funny how the power houses in Baseball are the same in Softball also Nederland ,Brenham ,Waltrip Go DOGS'
  19. He can keep talking as he does Big Ned keeps putting runners on
  20. :o I think I just thru up in my mouth : It is so funny that so many on here act like they have done everything by the rules and in a moral way . PPPPLLLLLEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSEEEE Say you agree or disagree ,do not try to step in the PULPIT and try to Preach,you may get struck by Lightning
  21. Amen 101 Play Ball :o
  22. I do feel for you Birdman I didnt say it was right ,but these kids wanted to do this and others wanted to be apart of it . There is a special bond between some players that cannot be matched and that is were this all came about . I can promise you I had no part what so ever :-\
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