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  1. Great job Cats.......Finish the sweep Stangs.
  2. JV Ladycats and Varsity Ladycats both win. Congrats Ladies on big wins.
  3. All 3 Ladycats teams win for a clean sweep. Great job Ladys.
  4. JV/Freshman Lady Cats won big. 43 to 1. Varsity Lady Cats won as well not sure of final.
  5. Wow shows a lot of class to get on here and bad mouth a group of high school kids. Since you were at all of the games did you see that the Tatum teams and fans were sitting with the O F kids and fans at several games??????? And why weren't they behind Tatum bench???? Might have been because they were sitting in the student section....guess you missed seeing that at the games you attended.... I have not seen any HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS/ATHLETES get on here and bad mouth other fans or kids. I think it might be time for yall to move on and leave our kids out of this.....
  6. Orangefield was cheering and supporting Tatum because of the cheering and support that they received from Tatum during our games.
  7. Lady Cat Freshman win 49 to 15, Lady Cat J.V. win 29 to 19
  8. All Lady cat teams won....
  9. Don't remember score but Lady Cats won big.
  10. Games were canceled
  11. Not sure of the scores but all three LadyCat teams won.
  12. JR I sent you a message with questions about the skills training
  13. We should Keep HUCK and vote out the School Board members in November..
  14. Anthony Byerly from Newton
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