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  1. Good I have a few older girls looking for a team .
  2. Is this team going to only be 99's or will there be 98's mixed in there ?
  3. SWAT will be having an open try out on(Sat.) 11/14/09 at 3:00 and the following weekend(Sun.) 11/22/09 at 3:00. We are moving up to 12 u. Try outs will be BC Little Legue fields. We are looking for aggressive and dedicated players . If you have any questions you can contact Al 718-6814 or Kayla 313-1369     We are still planing on holding try outs at 3:00. The field are still in good shape. Hope to see some new faces.
  4. CONGADULTION !!!! To all the new members of South East Texas newest 10 u Soft Ball team SWAT. We will be starting practice and tournaments as soon as possible. We are still looking to pick up a player. We will have open practices until we have pick the last piece to our puzzle. I am also looking for a player that showed both times to try outs Ashley Short her contact info was recorded Wong.I have not bean able to contact her to let her know she is part of the team. So if you read this post contact me as soon as possible. SWAT coach Al 718 -6814
  5. We had a good turn out last Sunday ! We still have one more try out Sunday 7th same time and place.I will be glade to let you both know as soon as we have a full roster. It would be nice to get together and do a Round Robin in town.
  6. SWAT Softball With A Attitude is forming a new 10 and under team. Try outs will be held at the Bridge City Little League fields on Sun. 5/31 and Sun. 6/7 from 4pm till 6pm. All positions open. We are a new team looking for talented young ball players wanting a more challenging level of play. We are looking to start out slow and pick up for next spring, looking to qualify for a national tournament. If you have any questions you can contact: Al 718-6814 or Kayla 313-1369.
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