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Everything posted by 79ram65

  1. If Port Arthur, Texas doesn't have a football field that will stand up to wet conditions how have they ever been able to finish a season ?
  2. Pirates will control the line offensivly and will keep the Indian's offense off the field Pirates 21 - Indians 17
  3. I have not seen the Bulldogs play any games except the PNg game , but it was obvious that the unforced turnovers by Ned was the biggest factor in the outcome. 3 were directly attributed to their QB . As far as the spread being ineffective , I disagree, Ned appeared to be running conventional running plays with normal blocking schemes (power gt trap iso etc) but by running from the spread they are able to take one defender out of the box. Their passing game was limited by the ability of their 3rd string QB. Just remember it isn't always Xs & Os somtimes it's Jimmies & Joes.
  4. Read c Legal Substitutions ARTICLE 2. A legal substitute may replace a player or fill a player vacancy provided none of the following restrictions is violated: a. No incoming substitute shall enter the field of play or an end zone while the ball is in play (live-ball foul) [s22]. b. No player, in excess of 11, shall leave the field of play or an end zone while the ball is in play (A.R. 3-5-2-I) (live-ball foul) [s22]. c. An incoming legal substitute must enter the field of play directly from his team area, and a substitute, player or departing player must depart at the sideline nearest his team area and proceed to his team area. A departing player must immediately leave the field of play, including the end zones. A departing player who leaves the huddle or his position within three seconds, after a substitute becomes a player, is considered to have left immediately. Team A may not break its huddle with 12 or more players (A.R. 3-5-2-II
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