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Everything posted by SETXSBM

  1. How many 18U teams played in the tournament?
  2. I have been a reader of this site for a while and can tell that there is some serious animosity between some of these posters. It appears that this situation is nothing new. This is long but I would like to give an example of what happened to my own daughter a couple years ago. She was on a team with girls she had been playing with since she was about 10. They were good players and good friends. This team however, only played in the summer tournaments. My daughter decided to try out for a team in the fall that was a "year round" team. She played with this team during the fall and continued after the first of the year. When the "summer coach" called to see who was returning for that summer she told him that she was staying with the fall team because she had commited to them and they had already been playing in some tournaments. You can imagine how she felt when not long after that we got an EMAIL from her fall coach saying he was disbanding the team but that she and the other team members were welcome to try out for a "new" team that was in the next age bracket. AN EMAIL! He neglected to say in his EMAIL that HE was going to be one of the coaches for the new team. My daughter was left in the SPRING with no team.(She did try out) Actually that's when I found this website, when we were looking for a team. She did eventually find a new team and life went on. She has an excellent coach now that is truely trying to help her get to that next level. She has learned a lot since then about coaches, commitment and the game. You can't control what other people do, only how you react to it.
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