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Everything posted by 1696dogs

  1. Bot 4th. Schlett 6-3. Smith HOMERUN!!!
  2. Top 4th. Burman 6-3. McClendon K. Duff single. #11 K. Dogs hole em 3-1.
  3. Pitts 1U. Broussard in to run for Babino  Duplant F8. Dogs lead 3-1. 
  4. Bot 3rd. K Richard BB. Fontenot sac bunt to move K Richard. Sonnier int'l walked. Babino 2run double to CF!!!
  5. Top 3rd. #1 F1. Lann BB. Moore up runner takes 3rd. Moore BB. Galloway up and runner scores. Galloway BB. Rodriguez up and runner tagged out taking 3rd. Rodriguez K. Lions tie it up 1-1
  6. Bot 2nd. Duplant BB and C Richard running Schlett up and C Richard takes 2nd on pass ball. Schlett 6-3 but Richard scores. Smith K. Brown K. 1 run on no hits. Dogs up 1-0. 
  7. Top 2nd. McClendon K. Duff 1-3. #11 6-3. No runs on no hits.
  8. Bot 1st Sonnier single. Babino up and Trev caught stealing. Bab BB. Pitts hits into a double play 4U then 4-3. 0 runs on 1 hit. No score
  9. Duplant pitching. My apologies if I get any names wrong. Please make any corrections necessary.  Top 1st. #9 single to CF. Moore 3U. Galloway BB. Rodriguez K. Burman K. 0 runs on 1 hit. No score
  10. So a png player  throwing his bat after a K and mouthing isn't reason enough to be thrown out but what Trev did is. Notice how I didn't put a name or # to the player. They both were wrong for showing their butts and I'm sure their coaches have handled it. I know #9s did.
  11. Bot 7th. Ward K. Jalali BB. Gizzi K. Provost K. Dogs win it 6-3!!!
  12. Brown in to close the game. Smith to LF.
  13. Top 7th. Smith 5-3. Brown F7. K Richard single shot to LF. Fontenot single to RF. Sonnier FC to get runner out at 2nd (6-4). Dogs up 6-3. Let's hold em here boys!!!
  14. Bot 6th. Graham F8. Knox F8. Sparrow 6-3. Dogs 6-3.
  15. Top 6th. Pitts 3U. Duplant 6-3. Schlett 5-3. Dogs 6-3. 
  16. Bot 5th. Gizzi K. Provost single to RF. Freeman K. Stone K. Dogs hold the lead 6-3. 
  17. Top 5th. Fontenot 5-3. Sonnier K. Babino singles and takes 2nd in rundown then attepts 3rd and is tagged out. Dogs up 6-3. 
  18. Freeman BB. Stone single to 3rd. Graham BB. Knox F4. Sparrow F7. Ward 2 RBI single to CF. Jalali K. Ndns score 2. Dogs keep the lead 6-3.
  19. Anderson comes out and Graham in to pitch. Brown K advances to 1st on E2. K Richard 4-3. Dogs pull ahead 6-1. Way to hit the ball Dogs!!!!
  20. Smith 2 RBI double to bring the score up 6-1. C Richard in to run for Smith.
  21. Duplant single 3rd to score K Richard. Schlett up and Babino comes home on pass ball. Schlett RBI single. 4-1 dogs still in the 4th 
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