Top 3rd. Pitts BB. Duplant single. Raines in to run. Schlett single. Smith RBI sacfly. Brown up Schlett steals 2nd. Brown 2RBI single takes 2nd on the throw. J Richard RBI single. Fontenot up J Richard takes 2nd on pass ball. Fontenot K. Sonnier up and Ozen puts in a new pitcher.
Top 1st. Sonnier 1-3. Babino F7. Pitts single. Duplant RBI double. Raines in to run. Schlett TE6 for an RBI. Smith single. Brown up Smith tagged out at 2nd on the steal. Dogs 2-0.
Top 5th. Delacerda F8. Thompson BB. Erickson RBI double. Pace K. McDonald TE5 run scored. Townsend single. Arsenault K. 2 runs on 2 hits. Dogs lead 5-2.
This is the bot 4th. I messed the last tow posts up sorry. Smith single. C Richard in to run for Smith. K Richard sac bunt. Brown F3. Fontenot RBI single. Sonnier up Fontenot steals 2nd then takes 3rd on overthrow. Fontenot gets home on pass ball. Sonnier double. Babino RBI single. Pitts BB. Duplant K. 3 runs on 3 hits. Dogs 5-0.
Top 3rd. Thompson single. Erickson TE5. Pace up. Thompson tagged out at 2nd trying to steal(2-4). Pace K. McDonald 6-4. Raiders get a hit but no runs. Dogs hold it 2-0.