Bot 4th. Heath single to SS. Sherman in to run. Breyfogle singles to 3rd. Rubio in to run. Kelley walks. Miller hits blopper over 1st to score 2. Salinas K. Gulley 6-3 run scores. Pessina K. 1 hit 0 error 2 run. 3-0 rebels
Bot 1st. Pesina(SS) K. Gandy(CF) K. Abreo(LF) double to deep RCF. Heath(C) RBI single to shallow CF. Sherman in to run. Breyfogle(P) F8. 2 hits 0 errors 1 run. 1-0 rebels
I wasn't over by the kids but if they were disrespectful in any way I apologize on behalf of Nederland fans. I believe there is a classy way to cheer your team on. It was a great series on the players part. Good luck to GCM next year!
Top 6th. Schlett K looking. Williams gets first after dropped 3rd strike. Sonnier up Williams steals 2nd. Sonnier K swinging. Brady up Williams gets 3rd on wild pitch. Brady K swinging. 0 hit 0 error 0 run 5-0 dogs