Bellow single up the middle. Cardenas F7. Laird up Bellow steals 2nd. Laird RBI single to RF. Raines in to run for Laird. Smith Ks. Pitts 4-3 with nice play by Galvan. 3 hits 0 errors. 2 runs. 5-0 dogs
Bot 4th. Czerwonka 5-3. Going walks. Rhoden FC to get runner at 2nd. Gonzalez in to run for Rhoden. Galvan walks. O'Connor walks. Fernandez K swinging. 0 hit 0 error 0 run. 3-0 dogs
Top 4th. Laird 1-3. Smith walks. Pitts single to 1st. Schlett FC to pitcher to get lead runner at 3rd. Williams up runners advance on wild pitch. Williams walks. Sonnier up GCM putting Jacobs in to pitch.
Top 2nd. Pitts walk. Schlett singles to SS. Williams up & Pitts thrown out stealing 3rd. Williams FC to SS to move runner to 2nd. Sonnier K swinging. 1 hit. 0 error. 3-0 dogs
Bot 9th. Brady F6. Bellow singles down right field line. Cardenas hits a triple to score Bellow!!! Dogs win 1-0 in the 9th!! Awesome game on both sides. Ready for tomorrow night!
Top 8th. O'Connor K swinging. Rhoden singles up the middle. Gonzalez in to run. Ball up and runner gets 2nd on wild pitch. Ball K swinging. Wilburn K looking. 1 hit. 0 errors. 0-0
Top 7th. Czerwonka K swinging. Going to 1st with E5. Stuart in to run for Going. Ball sac bunt to move runner. Valencia 4-3. 0 hits 1 error 1 left on. 0-0.