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Everything posted by 1696dogs

  1. bot 1st...Statum(CF) grounds out to 2nd...Cecchini(Garin)(SS) flies out to center...FeltsĀ© grounds out to 3rd...score 0 - 0
  2. Were home team...top 1st...Kellogg is pitching...1st batter singles to center...2nd batter grounds out to short...next batter grounds out to third...4th batter grounds out to 2nd...score 0 - 0
  3. top 5th....1st batter flies out to center...2nd batter strikes out...next batter flies to center....final 10 - 0....next game TBA ill let you know asap
  4. Menard flies out to right...Henderson walks...Pitts strikes out...Morgan flies out to center...score 10 - 0 sundevils
  5. top 4th...pitching change...Dillon Pitts...1st batter strikes out...2nd batter grounds out to 1st...next batter grounds out to 1st....score 10 - 0 sundevils
  6. Cecchini(Garin) grounds out to 2nd but Sonnier score...Felts doubles to score 1 but is thrown out at 3rd...Bellow lines out to 3rd....10 - 0 sundevils
  7. Statum singles to center and takes 2nd to score 2 runners...pitching change
  8. Rosado hits one to center and it bounces over so he gets a double...Dishon walks to load the bases...Sonnier singles down 1st base line to score Cecchini
  9. bot 3rd...Cecchini(Gavin) walks...pitching change
  10. last batter grounds out to 2nd...score 5 - 0 sundevils
  11. top 3rd...1st batter strikes out...2nd batter walks...next batter strikes out
  12. Bellow doubles down 3rd base line to score Harvill...Davis grounds out to short...5 - 0 sundevils
  13. Statum sac flies to right to move Dishon to 3rd...Cecchini(Garin) walks...Cecchini steals 2nd and Dishon comes home...Felts walks and Harvill comes in to run for him...Cecchini steals 3rd then gets home on error and Harvill takes 2nd
  14. bot 2nd...Dishon(LF) singles to right...Sonnier(3rd) strikes out but Dishon stole 2nd
  15. top 2nd...1st batter strikes out...2nd batter gets to first on error...3rd batter strikes out...runner get thrown out stealing 2nd...score 2 - 0 sundevils
  16. Bellow(P) strikes out...Davis(RF) reaches 1st on error to score Cecchini...Cecchini(Gavin)(2nd) singles to left to score Harvill who was running for Statum...Rosado grounds out....score 2 - 0 sundevils
  17. bot 1st...Statum(CF) walks...Cecchini(Garin)(SS) hits to short for a fielders choice ...FeltsĀ© singles to short
  18. were home team...top 1st....1st batter gets to 1st on error...2nd batter strikes out...next batter hits for a fielders choice to 2nd..we got the runner at 2nd...3rd batter strikes out....score 0 - 0
  19. were playing Philadelphia Senators...Bellow is our starting pitcher
  20. 4th batter walks...next batter singles to right to score 1...6th batter hit by pitch...next batter doubles to score 2....game over 6 - 5 Rays next game tonight at 7pm
  21. bot 6th...new pitcher Sonnier...1st batter strikes out...2nd batter flies out to center...next batter gets to 1st through short
  22. Cecchini(Gavin) strikes out...score 3 - 5 sundevils
  23. Cecchini(Garin) is intentionally walked to load the bases...Rosado flies out to right for an RBI to score Sonnier
  24. top 6th...Sonnier gets hit by pitch...Dishon strikes out...Davis doubles to left
  25. bot 5th...we have new pitcher Morgan...1st batter strikes out...2nd batter pops out to 1st...next batter flies out to right....score 3 - 4 sundevils
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