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Everything posted by Newtonjb

  1. I'm Pulling For Anahuac In This One, But This Game Doesn't Carry The Same Weight As The NEWTON / Kirbyville Matchup.
  2. Against Kirbyville. It Will Be The Same Old Song, Just Another Friday Night In Newton Before A Playoff Run: You Just Can't Hold A Good Man Back.
  3. Thank God For Prayers and The Miracles That They Bring For Those Who Need Them.
  4. It rings hollow just as much as people saying that Newton is as good this year as in years past! Simply not the case! Suppose, Lefty99, just suppose that Newton does beat Kirbyville this year - I realize that that event CAN NOT happen in your reasoning - but just suppose it does. Then Newton will have achieved that feat with a team that is inferior to (not as good as) Newton teams of the past. Then what stamp does that put on Kirbyville? Oh, I know - it was the referees! : I think Silsbee has enough problems keeping their players on the feild maybe you should attend to that cause we dont wont any tigervoice here!! lol No Class....Must Be Tough Having Your Mouth Fly Into Gear Before The Brain Has A Chance To Stop It.
  5. You and me both! That's why I started this post lol Just what I wonted to hear. Kinda sad not to hear any birds chirping though! lol I got jokes I know...figured we would hear from more Newton fans!!! Guess not..they know they don't have a wing to fly on..LOL ;D hehehe...anyway, they all know kville is not the same team and that we are much better this year. And we are coming with a vengeance!!! We're Out Here!!!! Fourteen Straight Years In The Playoffs...... Going On Fifteen. How Many Can You Lay Claim To? It's Best To Actually Do Something...... Before You Start To Brag About It. We'll Be At The Statium With The Three (3) Title Monuments Out Front. Chirp...Chirp...Chirp!!!
  6. Maybe as the 3rd place team...if they can beat Rusk. Although it doesn't sound like they deserve to go anywhere but to the doghouse. I can't ever remember feeling so humiliated. What the ____ is going on down there? Jasper has a good team they were just out matched tonight...... really, really outmatched, and apparently out-coached as well. Congratulations Carthage, you are the real deal! Out-coached covers it; Looks like those people that thought Brooks was the coming of the next Messiah were incorrect. Players Win Games And Coaching Loses Them.
  7. Newton by as much as Barbay will allow.
  8. Newton 46 and San Augustine 7.
  9. Coach Barbay and Coach Hooks are the two best in this area, and among the best in the state. Both are good teachers of the game, readers of talent and leaders of young men. They Always get their Athletes to believe in themselves, the coaches and each other. In this day and age it is only the exceptional coaches that keep their jobs for the length of time that these men have. Coach Barbay and Coach Hooks are truly Exceptional.
  10. Congratulations To The Hardin Hornets; who would have thunk it, you Stung the Bucs. Well Done and Good Luck.
  11. WORD. I posted a while back that this arrogance and poor sportsmanship hurts himself, his school, and his community. Predictible, I got blasted for stating that truth : Its bad to see impressionable kids exposed to that poor sportsmanship from their leader, and now their whole community buys into it. So sad. I wonder how he would have done through the years without all the athletes? What if had been at say, Huntington, for example? I used to support Newton, now I have no use for them at all. ECBucFan; Three Games Against Newton and Three Losses; no use for you either; Enough Said. KVille99 You Need to read Your Own Stuff; Sounds pretty arrogant to Me. If you want to talk about good and bad points of these teams; OK. You Don't Know How Unsportsman Like Your Trash Talk Makes You Look And Sound. Both of you fell the need to start Slamming Our Community; Well I for one don't plan to lower Myself to Your Level. I would Bet Money On the fact the Majority of the people in Winnie and Kirbyville would just as soon have you both just stop the Hate Talk and leave it up to the coaching staffs and players take care of their own business ; I'm Pretty Sure the people of Newton feel the same. It's A Football Field After All. You Remember; Right?
  12. Both of those long runs that were called back were killers and really could have changed the end results. H.J. Hawks are better than I would have guessed before I saw them play. Keep playing With The Heart Shown Tonight And Good Things Will Happen. I will be eagerly watching how The Hawks do the rest of the way in 2008. Good Luck and Stay Healthy.
  13. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. Good game tonight, It was one heck of a fight by both ball teams and the Hawks are going to be a Thorn in the side of everyone they meet, if your opponents try to take you for granted, they will regret it.
  14. If Someone Can Tell Me If There Is A Horsecollaring Rule In Texas High School Football? I Would Appreciate The Information.
  15. Sounds Like Your Starting To Get The Point. It's God, Family, Country and Newton Football.
  16. What is wrong with a Man that tells You what He Honestly feels to be The Truth? Barbay is Supremely Confident in his Coaching Staffs ability to Get the Best from a group of hard working young men that Earn their Eagle Uniforms, and The Right To Carry On The Traditions That Come With A Long History of Success Due in Large Part to the Eagles Long Time Head Coach. Confidence, A Record of Success and Honesty Aren't Arrogance. I am a Coach Curtis Barbay Fan and I Believe That This Man Without Question Still " Walks The Walk ".
  17. haha no joke this really happend? Did you know the signal for "disconcerting signals" is the same as delay of game? If a defensive player is saying "hut,hut" or something sounding like that, they are flagged for disconcerting signals and the delay signal is used. Not saying that's what happened but it may have. Also let it be known that the chapter in question is not ours (Bmt). This Delay Call Happened While Both Clocks Were Stopped And The Offense Was Still In The Huddle. To Me This Indicates A Crew Looking To Have It Their Way; At The Expense Of Not Only The Players, But The Officials Integrity. This Crew Is Needs To Be Disbanded And Reasigned To Crews That Believe In The Rules And Impartiality.
  18. Please Forgive Me If I Sounded Like I Intended To Lump All Of The Officials In The Same Category As The Ones That Called The Game For Newton And Diboll; The Vast Majority Are Truly Doing Their Best To Do A Good Job ( Though It Is A Thankless Job ) For The Athletes. The Good Officials Are The Ones That We Expect And Respect, They Are, Unfortunately Caught Up In The Blast When The Bad Ones Have Their Way. I Was Ticked-Off After Last Nights Rob Job And I Meant No Disrespect To Any Officials Other Than Those In That Particular Crew; But I Meant What I Said About Those Guys And Am Totally Unapologetic. Bad Officials Are Not the Rule: They Are Thankfully The Exception.
  19. No Argument From Me. The U.I.L. Should Remove Not Only These Officials From Future Games, But Any Officials That Spoil The Game With Personally Motivated Misuse Of Their Position. They Have No Right Being Around These Athletes At Anytime, For Any Reason. The Hard Working Young Men And Young Women Deserve Only The Best The Games That They Participate In Have To Offer: The Coaching, The Competition And The Officiating. These Young Athletes Learn From the Actions That They Observe The Adults Around Them Displaying. It is Imperative That The Integrity, Honesty And Justice Is What Is Shown By Us All.
  20. Tonight In Diboll I Witnessed An Officiating Crew That Was Bound And Determined To Influence The Outcome Of A High School Football Game; And They Did Just That. They Are Without Question;Lacking Any Integrity And They Have Nothing That Remotely Resembles An Ethical Bone In Any /Or All Of Their Bodies. The Object Of The Drill Is To Allow The Two Teams To Play The Game To The Best Of Their Ability, And To Expect The Rules Laid Out By The U.I.L To Be Enforced Equally And Fairly; Tonight This Was Not Done; And I For One Feel That Those Men Have Set Back The Efforts Of All The Quality Coaching Staffs, In Their Work To Instill A Belief In Sportsmanship And Fairplay In The Young Men That Put On The Uniform And Do The Work. Officials Should Never Give The Appearance Of Anything Improper Or Underhanded, But These Officials Made No Attempt To Cover Up Their Agenda Tonight And They Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves.
  21. rykerx144, Thanks For Telling The Truth About A Few, Less Than Gracious, People Posting On This Site. Kirbyville Does Have A Football Program To Be Proud Of, and It Really Is True That A Few Bad Apples Spoil The Whole Barrel. Good Luck Against WOS.
  22. Newton sucks this year!! This is just a non-district contest and should be interesting this year. WOS has a great team and so do Kirbyville. Everybody saying Kirbyville doesn't have a defense, hopefully they prove alot of people wrong. Oh by the way, the team with "N" logo on the helmet will be in for a surprise come November 7th. Be Careful What You Say, Because You Are Likely To Have To Eat Those Words. Beating Jasper By 1 In a 44 To 43 Track Meet Shows More Luck Than Skill. Newton Won't Be Hard To Find On November 7; They Will Be Hard To Stop.
  23. So I Have To Put Up With The "Load "That ECBucfan and The Bucster Dished Out For All This Time Leading Up To Last Nights Game And You Can't Take It At All. I Recall Having Expressed Respect For The Players and Coaches, and I Have My Money Is On E.C. Doing Well The Rest Of The Season { Inspite Of You}. I Don't Recall My Having Said Squat About Kountze/E.C. So Give Me A Break! It Seems To Me That You Are Just Trying To Stir The Pot Right Now; and As For Kirbyville, I'm Betting That They Can Handle Their Own Business Just Fine Without Your 2 Cents Worth. I Promise You That The Wildcats and Eagles Will Both Bring Their "A" Game To The Field, You Ought To Come Up Here and See For Yourself. Have A Nice Day headnocker.
  24. Newton refused to play the past two years, so we will just never know how that would have turned out... Your right, we will never know how '06 and '07 would have turned out; but no question about '08 is there? bucfan, do us all a favor and shut up.
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