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Everything posted by FOOTBALLFEVER99

  1. PNG1, You guys should be proud of it, the pictures I've seen it looks incredible..I'm jealous. If BH has to open up on the road I'm glad its against ya'll. It'll be fun playing there against a 1st class program. Hope ya'll win the rest of them after we leave.. lol
  2. BH by 10.....Good group of kids, hard workers.. PNG, new offense will have to irion out the kinks, and coming off a season where they lost their last 6 games.. But , the new coach will turn them around, and they have great fans and support.. Their on their way back up.
  3. I'm sure that an upgrade to the visitors stands is coming soon, but BHFAN is right, even PNG didn't fill up the stands last year. Dayton typically has the biggest draw to the BH stadium because of the success of their program and close proximatey to the school.....It will happen, lets just concentrate on getting more wins on the field for now...
  4. Finally seeing some progress on Barbers Hill's new Press box, but they still have along way to go before the first game.. Looks like it will be close as to whether or not it will be completed..
  5. Couldn't agree more BHFAN.. Jabo can light a fire under anybody because the kids can see he really cares..and the move ins, no doubt many of them are clueless about the BH football tradition...
  6. You'd be hard pressed to find a better QB than Jabo Leonard. He knows how to win and to this day, is just as good a motivator. The kid love that guy....Great coach and person....
  7. I can guarantee there's not one ounce of quit in the group of Seniors this year... These kids have heart and will never quit..They're a good group... Will be playoff time at The Hill again...
  8. Its very difficult to go undefeated in regular season play no matter who you are. Dayton obviously should win district and go through district play undefeated, but Coach Stewart has a couple of tough ones on the schedule (to his credit), in Friendswood and Austin LBJ... Friendswood seems to have Dayton's number for whatever reason, so I see a loss here, and Austin LBJ at home will be tough. So, I'll say 8-2 regular season for the Broncos and a couple rounds deep in the playoffs.... "Cody Green" too much of a loss..
  9. Me grow up...lol... thats a joke, your a wet behind the ear kid , and I'd hate for you boys to waste you time playing thes "JV" teams, those are your words... Friendswood will give you guys adose of reality early in the season "AGAIN".... Lets play the games before you award Dayton 1st place in anything.
  10. Well lets just not even play the games and award the trophy to Dayton... I just love over confident teams.. They always get knocked down a notch or two...
  11. I love to get you Dayton guys stirred up....Gonna be fun year..I do admire the fact that Coach Stewart gave those boys the boot last year after they apparently "messed up"... Shows alot of guts on his part.. We need more coaches like that. No one player is above the team. Look forward to playin you guys..
  12. Maybe you guys need to tell Friendswood what one is...lol
  13. As I said Dayton will have a solid team as they usually do, but IMO there will be a drop off from last year..."aka" Cody Green, he's the guy that really made things happen... I just don't believe they'lll go thru district play without a loss. Will it be BH, Crosby, NF, King, who knows , but if they keep reading their own press clippings about how great they are, somebody will knock em off their throne.... And c'mon this is high school football, Flanigan has very little control about where a kid plays his football at. His family I'm sure had "alot" to do with tha decision.... This isn't the college or pro ranks here...
  14. It don't matter.. Dayton will be a solid team, but there will still be a drop off from last year..You can't replace AJ and Cody Green......Dayton is very beatable this year in district, but yeah they got talent and should be the favorite to win it..
  15. I've been hearing about the BH linebacker leaving for a while now,,If thats true theres no evidence of it..If so , BH has an abundance of really good LB's this year.
  16. Got a chance to watch Viverette 7 on 7, the other day. This kid has arm strength, size and speed.. He was impressive. BH definitely has an athlete in him.
  17. You would have to put some of the kids from the early to mid 70's tweams on there..They won State Championships.. Gordon Speer, obviously is a name you left off......Quality of athletes, hmm, i think they were in better shape in many ways in years back..Today's offensive lineman are typically out of shape and overweight IMO...
  18. etbu, Your welcome,lol, and I will say Huffmans stadium looks awesome, I've seen the pix on line... Yep, finish up tonite and will be off for the July 4h weekend and then some.. Can't wait......BH needs something like Huffmans improvements.. it looks great.....
  19. Thanks Hillguy for making that clear for etbu.. Apparently he skipped a lot of school and couldn't grasp the concept of sometimes you actually have to get your priorities straight. lol
  20. Your right, its at PNG , and I can't wait to see the new stadium. I've heard it looks great. PNG, I am jealous of that, BH needs to upgrade to turf, new Jumbo-tron and upgrad the visitors side.. We are in agreement on that,
  21. Badndn, Still a 19-14 game anyway you cut it... Neither team BH or PNG had seasons to be proud of, certainly not what were acccutomed to in years past. Hey you guys lost your last 6 games... We did end on a winning note... See you at "The Hill". Have your chin straps on tight boys, the'll be some hitting going on!
  22. I agree with ay BHfan. Viverette would be a good afit and supposedly their are a couple of kids off the JV team that played good cornerback.....so that slot could be filled..
  23. Who's your pick BHFAN , Viverette, or McDonald, just curious, I'vce heard they have both looked pretty good in 7 on 7..
  24. I agreee HIllguy. Dayton will normally bring a pretty large crowd, afterall their 14 miles down the road and have large fan base. PNG "did not" fill up the visitors side last year, and frankly I was surprised by that. It's my understanding that their will be an enlargment of the bleachers, stadium upgrades including, new turf, scoreboard after the 2009 season. Honestly after having to repair major damage to caferteria's, classroooms and the auditoriums after Hurricane Ike this may be put on the back burner, who knows. After all we actually study at Barbers Hill High also..and yes my son(s) play football there, And I'd love to see improvements, but you got to have priorities.
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