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Everything posted by FOOTBALLFEVER99

  1. I saw BH play Friday nite.. Their defense was awesome, didn't matter what group was in...The smallest guy on defense was one of the hardest hitters I've seen. Those boys can rattle some teeth..
  2. My son plays on the BH team and is a senior..Obviously this is a game he felt like they should have won, but I can tell you this, he had nothing but praise fot the PNG players. After the game they talked for several minutes, no cockiness,just respect for each other and best wishes for agood season. after he got home, he said they have more class than any team he's ever played against. you guys will be fine, you played one hell of a team with a goal.I've known most of the Bh players since they were in grade school. They have a goal this year and I think you guys saw their determination Friday night. Ya'll will be fine the rest of the way and good luck. Your stadium is awesome.
  3. I'm BH fan through and through, but hey the PNG staium was gorgeous, what a facility;I do feel like we let one get away we should have won, but congtrats go to the Indians... BH will be in the playoffs this year.. period.....
  4. NDNWarrior, Thanks for the welcome.. BH is ready to matchup with PNG Indians. Both schools rich with tradition and pride. Both schools with State Championships to their credit....Man, I can't wait to see that new stadium and watch those boys come onto the field..The atmosphere will no doubt be electric. And yes, keep all our boys on both teams injury free and safe. Good Luck...I hope these two schools can renew this game for another two years..
  5. [Hidden Content] You Barbers Hill Seniors need to take a look at this clip......You ain't got a heart beat if this don't pump ya up......
  6. One thing I can guarantee you, two top notch programs going at it. It won't matter if its a one point difference or one teams beatin the other by 30 points. Neither group of these kids will quit playing because they both got heart and class....This is what high school football is all about...can't wait....Good luck to all and keep'em safe and injury free!
  7. TexAGNDN, There's no way PNG puts up 42 points on a BH defense....This is coming from a team that lost its last 6 games last year.. Agreed, you guys should be better, new coach new attitude, but 42 points "ain't no way"... Wishful thinking,
  8. Dayton "should" beat Bay city, just be careful not to look ahead to Friendswood....
  9. BH by 3.....PNG will score first and be occupied the rest of the game looking at the replay on their new jumbo-tron.....On a serious note, this should be a good one dominated by defense I believe..BH 13 PNG 10
  11. IMO its going to be Viverette..He's getting most of the snaps with the 1st team offense..If they can beat PNG at their home field that will be a huge win..Couple of sophmores took some handoffs at RB and looked good....
  12. Defense is ahead of the offense at this point which is pretty typical. Offense will need to find more consistency. They sputtered at points....PNG will be strong test....
  13. The varsity scrimmage will start at 7:15.. All scrimmages were moved back 15 minutes. Scoreboard is going up today. Pressbox "should" be completed before Sept. 4th home game..
  14. Not bad BHFan...The seasons getting closer...
  15. PNG sounds like they really did it up right, so I'm looking forward to seeing it up close next Friday night. Galena Park ISD stadium is very nice as is Deer Park's..The Berry Center isn't a stadium.. Its a "palace"....but the school taxes in that area went thru the roof to pay for it, so it all comes with a price tag.
  16. It doesn't matter.. its a scrimmage. As long as both teams walk away without anyone getting hurt..Just like someone said earlier, a glorified practice..Hopefully both teams get better from it....
  17. Lights are up and working.. Scrimmage is still at 7......Scoreboard was supossed to be here today(Wednesday), it can set and running in a day or two. Pressbox, thats another story...I think they'll be hard pressed to have it complted by Sept. 4, BH first home game..We'll see..
  18. Good healthy debates a good thing, as long as its done in a constructive way.. Hey it only shows that people care about their football teams. Look at this forum, the BH fans, Dayton, PNG, WOS, Lumbertons, and yeah there are some more, but see what threads get the hits...The only guy that really knows if the fire is still in his belly is the coach standing on the sideline, not me or you.. If its not there anymore, then he should step aside for the sake of the program and the kids..If its still there then give it all you got, and let the schools administration sort the rest out as to whether or not the staff is getting the job done. I can tell you this for certain, there won't be lack of effort on the kids part. I know most of them personally , and they have a goal.. Theirs no horseplay in the locker rooms. Their focused in what they want to accomplish.
  19. etbu, Nice words, and I think your exactly right....The games belong to the kids....We just get to enjoy them...Good luck to Marshall this year..
  20. The defense actually looked pretty solid. The DB's did a good job of not allowing Cleveland to turn the corners and run upfield...Also with the exception of one deep pass coverages were good..Linebackers played well as did defensive line and there was virtually no drop when subsitutiions were made. Offense I believe will come along. Defense is usually ahead of the ofense in the early part of the season. Cleveland averaged 35 points a game last year, their a pretty solid team, so it'll be interesting to see how they play against Pasadena Memorial....
  21. They lost Bo Snelson from their team last years (coaches son, signed with Naval academay).. He was a stud RB...BH looked good in last years scimmage against them. Hopefully the guys shook off some rust against Cleveland and will be ready to go after the Pasadena Memorial scimmage. PNG will be a tough test for this team, they have new coach, X offensive coordinator for Odessa Permian, and he'll have those guys ready to go..Good Luck BH...
  22. Its so easy to sit back and criticize. I learned years ago when my kids were younger, whether its optimist club football or LL baseball, generally the people or parents that criticized the most were the ones that did the least, never stepped up to the plate and did their part, just complained. Everbody on this site has right to express their opinions, but just remember the 38 kids that make up this football team have made the sacrifices for years to perform at their best. They hit the weight rooms, practiced during heat that has been 100 degrees plus on most days. Their 16 -18 years old ,their somebodies son, grandsons, brothers or friends. They made the choice to stick out and represent their school and town when many gave it up years ago. I don't care if their on the football team, drill team or in the band, they have all worked hard and and sacrificed so you could see it all for about $5.00. Just Remember whenthat pass falls short this year or a boy Misses a tackle or block it won't be because he didn't care it will be because he's a 16 to 18 year old young man and he sometimes he may fall short, But I can assure you, nobody will feel worse than he will. So encourage these young men , give them a word of encouragement and enjoy the best entertainment that $5.00 can buy.These guys aren't a bunch of pro players that still whine when they make 5 and 10 million bucks a year, their your neighbors kids that are still learning and growing up. If you want to whine go pay a $100 bucks to see the Texans and $20.00 bucks to park your car and 10 bucks for you beer.I'll stay right here and support these kids and the coaches...By the way do you have any idea of the hours those guys put in.. Probably not.
  23. BH will be just fine this year. They scrimmaged a very good Cleveland team that is highly ranked. A scrimmage isn't a game. Its to evaluate talent, defensive alignments, and look at various things on offense. You looking at "lot" of kids, new kids.. C'mon cut the kids and coaches some slack. ONE SCRIMMAGE and the naysayers are out...It easy to be an armchair QB and coach.....I know this group of kids will bust their butts....Talk to me at years end...
  24. Getting awful close to that August 28th kickoff with BH. Can't wait to head ya'lls way and kick it off. Ought to be good one! Its nice to play class program, no trash talk between schools, just respect...Hope ya'll go 9-1.....
  25. Texans, You're seriously not going to try and compare BH and Daytons football throughout the years.. 33 playoff appearances for the Hill. Ranked #2 in SETX schools..Now I will give it to you guys, Stewarts on a heck of a run, and probaly gonna have another stellar season,......but if you keep throwing out things you know just ain't so, we're gonna have to move you to the Cheerleader forum.
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