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Everything posted by SFA85

  1. LaneKiffenForeman strikes again........
  2. Sans those DB's, Central's Defense is nice......
  3. Why aren't they letting the 1500 yard rusher tote the rock?
  4. Friendly reminder: it was in 6A........ Not another 5A district.......
  5. No chips on shoulders. No attending SB meetings in the Bubble. But when I call people out on their BS, 'muricans get their collective asses on their shoulders. And so far, y'all have danced around the original question and used examples like WO-S and Newton on the discipline question. Anyway, y'all keep on projecting and denying. And I'll continue to be 'some-what smart' even by 'murican standards....... Some-what smart my ass......
  6. *shrugs shoulders* It amazes me how 'muricans can't face their own BS. Projection is the new denial. What hate? Just pointing out the obvious on the board. 'Muricans speaking in code Period
  7. Do the parents have a say in the district's policies like they would in PA or Bmt. That's not intergration if they don't. Besides, a lot of those parents sending their kids to schools in the 'Bubble' have some self-hate issues going on. Same question for those parents: does sending your kids to the Bubble guarantee them a spot in an Ivy League school or to study abroad? If not, I call BS on that too. I think they are only being tolerated in 'murica's best ISD's only for athletic reasons. The residents of said ISD's could give 2 bleeps less
  8. Hey man, I'm just building a case before I get banned. But they won't answer that either........ They will come up with more code to make themselves feel superior
  9. Eventually I will but for the record, no body failed me. Just making observations. Hate? That's your WS/Racism coming out in the form of 'projection'. Putting your stuff on me and or the fear of me responding to you as you and people of your ilk have done since 1450. Yeah, I'm insecure of towns like BC, Ned, PN-G, East Beaumont, L-Town...... place where my kind aren't welcomed let alone tolerated. I'm also fearful of race soldiers posing as police. Are you one of those types of people CardinalBacker? Or do you simply use passive-agressive tactics to get your point across? By the way, those who are proud of your 'disciplined' teams with all that 'atmosphere', where's all the state championships, college and pro players? Or is D and A only good locally on friday nights?
  10. New? That particular coded language has been around since day one. But I don't expect someone of your ilk to see that..... Ain't 'murica grand?
  11. I don't 'try' to say anything. That's the way of this board. 'amuricans speak in code and when people like myself respond in kind, we can banned. Period. And it's the majority of 'muricans on this board and if it's not, the moderators turn a blind eye to it so on it goes........
  12. I guess they don't think we support our kids(atmosphere). Again, I don't know what evidence they have but when an 'murican' speaks on the subject, it's gotta be true right????
  13. Hey man, do you. That's the beautiful thing about facts........... They stand on their own. And trust me, this is on topic more than you'll ever know.
  14. Or OxycottonMidCounty???? Btw, you can get Sec 8 in a trailer park. Also the poorest county in the US is in Kentucky and it's 98% 'murican.............
  15. I've done it before. left the site for a while. Getting too old for this ish. But again, to color racism other than white is a fallacy and wrong. Racism/White supremacy as defined by Dr. Neely Fuller and Dr. Frances Welsing, is a system that affects peoples lives. Not just words and phrases. For example, I call certain people a name, I get banned. Those same certain people speak in code words like discipline and atmosphere continue to post here. Plus, talk ish in the political forum room. Now I think that's bull bleep but unfortunately, I don't run nothing here but these fingers......
  16. Becareful, your inner trump is showing........
  17. I wonder if I can be allowed us the terms Needleville and Pill-Poppin' Groves if they can speak in coded language. What say you, moderators???????
  18. I will when it affects white lives in the following. Religion, education, employment, and life in general. We've (melinated people) around the world have been on defense since 1450ish. And I don't know when we will get our collective ish together. In the meantime, you may not like what I say, but by definition, it's not reversed nor black racism. It's a response to your(white) bs. Your coded language. Your policies in 'murica and abroad. Btw, I call out black cowards and lap dogs(see stephen a smith and barkley) when I see them. Matter of fact, I don't watch them nor support the shows they 'entertain' you on. I have self pride and dignity not to subject myself to more white supremacy from my own......
  19. And I could care less. Those are the new code words for 2016 and I for one don't speak in code. I call out racism/white supremacy when I see it
  20. It's like Lochte vs. Gabby. White hubris abounds and knows no limits
  21. Nope. Euless Trinity. #grownmanfootball
  22. I guess if a cross get ignited as part of 'atmosphere', that would have a negative effect on the kids as well as the fans no?
  23. With their candidate, Donald Dumpf out there, it's a wonder they still speak in code........
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