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Everything posted by SFA85

  1. I'm thinking it could be 6-12 with different bell schedules after lunch like we did at Austin. I hope they come up with a feasible plan
  2. To my knowledge, no
  3. Quoting Bill Belacheck(sp) On to Ozen.......
  4. There are a couple of models BISD could copy in the Houston area. Kingwood and Summer Creek are sharing a campus with each school going every other day. They could consult with FB ISD and see what's going on with Willowridge and Marshall, which occurred before the flood. I think they could put Central @Smith Middle with different bell schedules like they use to do at SFA. Smith was old French and they should fit all the kids. Another option is using Ozen's campus and go every other day and make up the days(minutes I've been told) in the Spring Yes, old Heber/WB 9th was added on during the '98 Bond. It holds around 1700 kids
  5. '83 Dangerfield's points for/allowed was 550-8. If we would've beaten Sweeny, we would've gotten it handed to us big time.....
  6. Nevermynd. U said per victory. I still can't knock his hustle. My position on Ozen is all they have to do is some rezoning to boost their numbers......
  7. Is all of SE Texas just the Pear Orchard now??? Or is map reading not your forte`? Or BISD has a base salary. Remember, he did have a late start when not much of a staff #cantknockthehustle
  8. Hold up, where was all this concern when Carrol Thomas' raises was posted for public consumption? Anyway, all people that work for tax payer's money, should get their salaries posted. And I said ALL........ darnit.....
  9. That Barbie's Hill victory caught my attention. The NC schools appear to have fallen back to the mean.......
  10. My understanding is 4 players are evacuated, not suspended so that needs to be fact checked so some people won't think PAM is wounded in any way
  11. From Twitter: Memorial @titannationfb at Houston Westside football cancelled for Fri. Memorial will scrim Channelview on Sat morn, time TBD
  12. So, I can call my state representative and get something passed to mess with u and your descendants for generations? Lumberton, Port Neches, Vidor, Nederland were sundown towns and I stand on that. #theoriginalamericaterrorist Admin note: Watch the language, 85.
  13. The Juda on QB is better than anything around here........
  14. Racist? What have I said that I can turn into law to affect every facet of your life? You who live in a sundown town?
  15. And u are a tiki torcher...... Klan hood or white shirt and kakis?
  16. All race traitors and bad for Black Politics(DOS)
  17. Ahem......... I normally avoid this room all 2gether but let's see....... Clarke is a race traitor. If whites love him, he's bad for Black Politics But so is Jesse, Al, and all the baby boomers holding on to so-called black leadership..... Now here's a twist: If you see a black person on MSM, no matter if it's so-called left leaning or friends of fox noise, they have sold themselves to be more comfortable in the system of white supremacy Obama didn't do squat for DOS(descendants of slaves and slave masters) He's not rooted in the DOS experience being of mixed heritage from E. Africa and Kansas He's really and Eisenhower republican Not every white person is alt-right/kkk/nazi but every of the afford mentioned are white and fans of #45 Also...... Reparations today, yesterday, and tomorrow........... That's all for now
  18. I'm glad those Carter players called hollywood out on their BS. They were many things but dirty players, they were not.....
  19. 85 Yates 88 Carter 83 Dangerfield That's it. That's the list.....
  20. They(Dangerfield) gave up 6 to Carthage, who won 4A that year. We would've been smoked had we beaten Sweeny in the Semi's.....
  21. From Xbox Kenny's Twitter Acct......... RT-Memorial vs. Goose Creek Memorial scrimmage has been canceled
  22. Chumberton? That's cold.....
  23. Amazing
  24. Off topic but when did EC-C get field turf?
  25. Oh well, you could bring back all 22 starters. Won't beat PAM so enjoy this football season....... And, thanks for white/fake indian-splaining what PN-G has coming back. I did not know......
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