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Everything posted by SFA85

  1. The last thing I or any offense should be worried about, is that Koi fish defense in Port Neches. Anyway, thanks for taking roll. I'll go with the father of the state baseball game mvp.
  2. Injuries my understanding but there's no shame in losing to a state finalist. Hopefully, this bunch can go beyond the 3rd round.....
  3. My understanding, PAM went into the Temple game minus 5 key players
  4. Nope. But your response is as if we've sat together before. I've slept since then so enlighten me......
  5. It's not just the delusion that oozes from the Bubble, it's the media circus and bread that follows. $5 Indians with a Koifish defense expected to win state. What I'm waiting for, is all those leaving PA for the bubble to have their 'wake up moment'......... Anyway, I like PA's backfield as most dangerous with WB's a close second Also, I will never be anywhere voluntarily with any grad from the Bubble. I work with them so I get enough during my 12 hrs.......
  6. From where I sit, no. That would put BISD's adm north of 4100ish. Again, some tweeks at the elementary level and hard MS zoning, Ozen's number would come up, WB numbers would drop maybe to the point they could be 5A with the rest of BISD. If you look at I-10/69 as the line of demarcation, BISD is already using the neighborhood school concept
  7. With those schools, at the height pre-82, PA would be north of 3K ADM, thus having all 3 or at least 2 opened. Whites that live in PA with school aged children go elsewhere
  8. All BISD has to do is change the attendance zones of a couple of elementary schools east of I-10 and Ozen's numbers issues would be solved....
  9. This is hysterical on so many levels but it's not to this point yet and I'm willing to bet, never will lol......
  10. I wonder if MC schools will start shipping kids back to PA so they can stay 5A D2????
  11. He was scheduling escorts with one hand while twitting bye-bull verses with the other. Fitting end for a religion hustler #hehasmillions #thehighestpaidstateemployee #olemiss
  12. Man, good luck with getting on at Trinity. I thought no one could beat that 2010 squad but they lost to Pearland. Excellent program who's trying to right the ship after going 7-4 last year
  13. Where are my Trinity Trojans ranked in 6A and in district? I don't have a copy yet......
  14. Correct on PAM beating Vidor's JV. I think Vidor will finish 2nd behind PAM.....
  15. I see a pair of america's first terrorist group, the klan. One male, one female.......
  16. I don't have my DC mag yet. But Imma guess PAM has 5 on O and 6 on D but that's just a raw guess. I've been following the Titans on twitter and they are getting it in......
  17. You did see the source I sighted right? Father of the MVP of your baseball team. So if I'm wrong, then tell me, How many starters on D? And besides VY and the RB, how many returners on O?
  18. So if Pam had the same short comings on both sides of the ball, who would u take in a shoot out?
  19. 1 with another kid moving to offense. So 2 if Faircloth is smart. The Coifish defense will be porous at best.....
  20. I like Coach Nelly. His wife does my taxes but I'm pulling for Lorne Hamilton Jr.(#43) and will withhold judgement until I see them play
  21. No....... I was told by the father of the PN-G state baseball champs....... 2 starters from the Koifish defense which are safeties and 1 is moving to offense 1 returning Olineman Sounds like Lil VY will be running for his life Meanwhile...... PAM's team will fill the varsity with JV district champs Plus the backfield is two deep If anything, I'd move Vidor up to 2nd........
  22. Euless Trinity vs. a MC all star team. Just to watch MC All Stars soil themselves during Trinity's Haka........
  23. I can read a map. And I said the same thing.......
  24. The rumor was started by folk ill-informed. I love this map because it ends all silly arguments about school district lines......
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