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Everything posted by SFA85

  1. Pretty much NS and the 5 dwarfs. The haven't lost a district game going on 8 years......
  2. What i have to admit is, is that you are the sorriest think on here........... Another Nederland 'braveheart' behind his mommy's computer....
  3. But he was 2nd team all district lol.....
  4. You Ned fans cease to amaze me. DJ was part of a defense who gave up 63 points twice in 2 years not to mention other games of giving up 30+ points. How could teams scheme away from him when Grogan was waiting on the other side? Like I said last summer and will continue to say, DJ was subpar at best. The real Nederland fans who saw him play had to admit, he was sorry.......
  5. That is what I was thinking... There must be lots of kids in the area around Central Mall that are going to NISD and PNISD even though they live in Port Arthur ISD. Just curious.... Will the new high school they are building have frontage access to HWY 69? It looks like it won't. If the only way to get into that school is on 9th Ave, talk about a traffic night mare. I would hate crossing 9th Ave while playing golf at the Babe during school hours. It might be like level 5 on Frogger. You can get to the new HS from 69 on Sgt Adams drive which goes past the softball/baseball fields and Our Lady of Guadalupe(sp). Ninth will probably be jammed up with kids walking home to Stonegate and surrounding appartments but the buses will go up Adams to 69's feeder etc. As far as Nederland being a better situation. I know there are some parents who think sitting next to white kids makes the education better but I'm not nor never be 1 of those parents. I feel parents who run to MC schools are cowards and make the situation worse in PA than better. Want to change the perception most Whites around here have of PAISD? Instead of running away, vote, run get involved. My oldest goes to Central and is doing well. Going to WB would have her in a building with 2500 kids which is built for 1700. Then their this thing about how y'all medicate your kids for bipolar and other so-called behavioral problems which again is not condusive to a quality education IMO. Bottom line: Ned lost a quality STUDENT/athlete to PAM and as the new school comes to completion, their may be so more transfers to come.....
  6. Ben Davis and I don't remember him sitting out. Matter of fact, he played against Ozen the next year after leaving PN-G(older brother graduated from PN-G) This case may be different since PAM is 5A and Neumann didn't seem to have a problem with him leaving. He's already playing varsity baseball for the Titans....
  7. To answer your qestion, the line runs 'south' of the mall on that street that runs between the banks and the mall. Then it goes through Stonegate which Blackberry is the divider. PA/PNG meanders between Lake Arthur appartments and the actual subdivision and your right, he could simply go down 9th Ave and attend PAM w/o penalty....
  8. That's what gets me about you snobbs from the Middle Kingdom. You act as if PA graduates no one. You act as if kids are retired from high school rather than graduating. First off, Roy is a A student so no matter where he goes, he'll excell. 2ndly, since Nuemann does a piss poor job in getting the bulk of his players looks(120 D1 schools) then I don't blame him for going to PA. Every weekend, some ex PA student/athlete is excelling in his or her choosen sport. Can't say the same for MC. As far as bonds go, PA passed theirs and the new school is going up on schedule. You should crawl out of MC sometimes down 9th Ave and look for your sorry self. My opinion of MC/Ned posters drops like the Dow daily...... Thast right go and get that great education at PA any parent would move there kid from Nederland to PA for their great academics. If you could earn a degree in arse kissing well MC schools could start their own university. I would with Nederland grads and I'm far from impressed with their so-called great academics. Now brown-nosing they have that down to a sience.... Having said that, I've always had a low opinion of Nuemann of what happens to most NHS ball players post graduation so Roy and his fam are looking past HS. Good move, and besides, he'll graduate from a shiny new building.... Yeah, Pa has much higher graduation rates, test scores, and lower dropout rates than Ned, lol. The way pa does bonds, Ned's brand new shiny high school and stadium will be done before one person moves into the pa(we want to move to Ned) high school. Back on topic, if he moves to pa, he sits for a year.
  9. Thast right go and get that great education at PA any parent would move there kid from Nederland to PA for their great academics. If you could earn a degree in arse kissing well MC schools could start their own university. I would with Nederland grads and I'm far from impressed with their so-called great academics. Now brown-nosing they have that down to a sience.... Having said that, I've always had a low opinion of Nuemann of what happens to most NHS ball players post graduation so Roy and his fam are looking past HS. Good move, and besides, he'll graduate from a shiny new building....
  10. Both Ike and HH are 5A with HH moving up last alignment
  11. Trinty/Permian game was a rematch of week 3 which Mojo ran them out of the gym something like 31-3. Not a changing of the guard as far as traditional powers go. Judson, Plano, and Abeline(sp) are programs from the past......
  12. I'm surprised Carter finished 5-5 but they play a brutal non-district schedual and finally Skyline beat them is district for the first time in a while if ever
  13. Believe it or not, taking the beltway is faster. There are lights on 146 until you get to the freeway part of it just before the bridge. And you must do the speed limit because it's loaded with speed traps. Take the beltway, when you exit, the next exit is 2 or 3 exits up if front of the Deer Park plant(Shell)
  14. A bunch of cheap scapes. It's only 2 dollars to cross the bridge plus when you exit on 225 to LaPorte, you're only like 2 miles from the stadium. Just remember, if you don't see the Shell refinery when you exit, no matter the direction, you haven't gone far enough
  15. Marler told the boys "we can't stop him(Strait)" Hence, the butt-whipping my Eagles took in the Semi's. As for me pulling for a MC school, not on your life and just ask Ned Dog or Go Big Blu, I'm very consistant on who I like to pull for. If they all lose, oh well, life goes on.....
  16. It's the '83 squad and I keep telling you we would've had our arses handed to us. Now go to bed. See you @work tomorrow
  17. Don't know about him but I've got my eye on Trinity, SOC, and Carter in Region 2.....
  18. Yep but trust and believe, I won't be pulling for Ltown or PN-G if they win. And a '83 or '84 tape of SFA ain't bad to look at right about now
  19. Yep. I corrected it and verified it. Thanks
  20. Lamar's okay. They've been getting kids from Yates for about 8 years now. Westside is okay, so is Madison but no VY against Katy tomorrow...
  21. LBJ gets the winner of LC and PN-G for the Reg 3 final Div 1
  22. JY gets the winner of LM/Ltown next week Update: According the the Chronicle, they have Yates winning but the states and summary says Waller won so I'll keep checking. Eye witness account from Baytown has Waller beating JY on the scoreboard @Stallworth so it's Ltowns Pro-I unbalance vs. Waller's Wishbone next week
  23. I agree. Sorry for thread high-jacking. Go Coogs
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