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Everything posted by SFA85

  1. Plain dumb FP. Furr hadn't been decent since the 80's when they use to play Lincoln and we don't know what constitutes "5A" in Louisiana. It could be 1200 kids instead of 1960 in Texas. If Kelly stepped off in the UIL, they should get the same treatment as the Strakes. Put them in 5A regardless of the numbers plus you can't play the same year of a transfer and coaches aren't obligated to release kids for said transfers. I know of 4 starters that came from Ozen, PAM, and WB that wouldn't be playing now....
  2. But your main point is a moot one. PAM was created because the low numbers didn't support 3 high schools. At WB's height, the had over a 3000 ADM in the early 90's. When PAM was formed, they were the 4th largest behind Humble, KW, Spring, and Westfield. There's not an ISD in the state with 2800 ADM(the number at the time PAM was formed) with more than 1 high school and I dare anyone on this board to show me..... This whole thread is stupid. Of course Hooks or Brooks could do a better job. No question. I would like to see somebody, anybody that will instill a certain degree of toughness. I say now and I'll say till I die, RTG is/was only in it to pad his retirement. While Colbert was soft in certain areas, RTG has the whole program soft. Can't run and can't stop the run=softness plain and simple. Until somebody comes in with a degree of toughness, they will continue to be soft as designer toilet paper
  3. Ask the school board president and the rest about those 6-1/7-0 votes on his raises.......
  4. Will someone please defined 'messed up'. I hear even the new principal @Central(who BTW is Region 5 principal of the year) doesn't like Stowers. Another quote: "You could go 15-0 and I still wouldn't like you....." So again, how is this Thomas' fault? A. Lou and Thomas had a Jones/Johnson falling out. Brooks couldn't handle the expectations of the Pear. Stowers wants more money and eventially get to a state power. Again, how is this Thomas' fault
  5. When you came through, there wasn't 'no child left'. When you came through, there was no test that blamed the school vs. holding the kid accountable. When you came through, there was only 2 high schools which the Pear went to the West End for 3 years vs. the West coming over for 1(how fair is was that?)........ I talked to a guy who's friends with one of the school board members and he said and I quote: "Thomas is worth every penny compared on how BISD use to be i. e. volitile meetings every Thursday and being on the news...." Now they're are 3 whites and 4 blacks on the school board and everytime he got a raise, it was 6-1 or 7-0 so if they like it, you on the outside of BISD should love it. BTW, all high schools in BISD are AA if you put any stock in TEA scoring. On par with the majority of the area
  6. All you outsiders talk down on BISD but Stowers has aspirations for bigger and better things. He was trying to leave last year plus every coach he brought here for the exception of 1 left Central so Stowers has so personal problems as well. BISD isn't as bad as some of you may think so all should hush and wait and see.....
  7. Tell those yahoo's on 560 #1's name is pronouced Ra-gett
  8. I don't know about the total play calling. When they played PAM, one kid had 5 fumbles and they still had a chance to win that one. If the Oline would block some, then those plays would work because they sure worked for Central
  9. Nothing against Tatum, but Bellows is a much better QB. Any you also say Nederland plays poorly on Offense?? I don't know what Nederland team you're talking about. :-\ Nederland has one heck of a Passing Game, and last time I checked Bellows was leading in the QB column. and Asa was leading in the WR columns, not to mention all of our WR are great. I wouldn't exactly say we have a poor offense SFA85 :
  10. Dead serious. That PN-G running game was almost non-existant but it was worth over 250 against Nederland. Ozen's secondary picked Tatum off 3 times. Nederland can't run consistantly and well as poorly as they've played on offense, Ozen's still on the plus side in take aways
  11. Funny how Hemmings all of a sudden is having great sucess but against Ozen, 74 yards and a TD and PN-G was held to 14 second half yards. If Ozen gets a couple of pics and get the running game going, Panthers could be in the thick of the playoff hunt
  12. Run D and Run O or lack there of......
  13. Per the Htown Chronicle, KW 21, PAM 14 losing to an 0-5 team @home. Pityful
  14. Good second win for the Panthers. Messy game but they came out on top......
  15. Can't wait in the Pear. I don't know if the JV won last night but the 9th grade has low numbers. WB had 80 freshmen show up this summer. Highest since Ozen's been open
  16. Thanks for the sympathy. I thought Ozen would do better with Rison since he was the OC @Central and turned them around from 1-9.
  17. Sounds like the defense isn't playing all that well either......
  18. No. I heard knuckle headed Coach Bell @SFAMS is running unbalanced(tackleover)formations.....
  19. Keep in mind, with all of Ozen's problems on offense, they're still +5 in turnover ratio. And the defense has score in every game. Dayton may win, but scoring 35 points with a new QB is a bit of a stretch
  20. TB iso, FB trap, flip the last 2 plays to the otherside. Keep running the rock until they stop it unless I'm inside my own 10 yard line. Power I baby until I get some breathing room. I'd also throw to my TE some to expose the safety. Roll my QB to the wide side of the field on pass run option......
  21. Your right FP, true neighborhood schools would help ease the overcrowding @WB. Also, just about every coach that was @Ozen last year are either gone from BISD or working somewhere else in the district so all Rison has to do now is win ball games. WB had 80 freshmen show up this summer, the highest since Ozen's been open. A direct result of them going 1-9 last year IMO
  22. Charles Thomas is his name. And he's a junior
  23. Any type of sideways/backward pass just burns me up......
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