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Everything posted by SFA85

  1. Naw, Tiny didn't lift but one of my buddies who lifts out of a Bally's on N. Shepard opened @755 and missed 804.....
  2. i opened @545 and missed my 2nd and 3rd attempt @606....
  3. I was there gringo. I lifted also in the 3rd flight..... That kid was strong. Had a mow-hawk didn't he???
  4. May have not happen on the lift off but while pressing back toward the rack, his triceps gave out. We've all been taught to press back while pushing up but proper technique calls for bar placement below the pecs(on the diaphram like doing decline press) and pushing straight up as opposed to pushing straight back toward the rack. Instead of hitting high on his upper chest and neck, it would have fallen to a 'safe' position on his diaphram which still hurts but it's on his back vs. the tragedy that occured
  5. Let's see, cracked jaw, fractured ankle and that was while in high school. JC had the shoulder surgery the summer of his senior year and was hurt again in the Oklahoma game. I'm sure you've heard of OU right ETBU?????
  6. There's a couple of lames on the FNE board who support #3's choice of holding it in Nederland.....
  7. Only in MC Bandit. I've watch alot of football and never seen a team with a 2500 yard rusher play .500 ball......
  8. Please somebody kill this stupid thread.......
  9. Another misguided, boneheaded decision by Jackson and Co. by holding the camp in Nederland. Excuses given were the Parker Center and the Y on 9th Ave. were not available. What about either gym @PAM? What about the old Beehive @PAM 9th Campus. One would think the 3rd most famous person from Port Arthur behind Joplin and Johnson(his idiotic words), would be better organized and would give back to the town he actually came from. Note to #3: follow the example of the Babineaux Brothers next time or better yet, let them give it in conjunction with their football camp and golf tournament.....
  10. Not to minimize the death, but it's a 240 pounds on the bar, not a barbell.......
  11. Actually it's about 15 min northeast of Fort Worth.....
  12. Two teams in the playoffs with 1 trophy per classification....
  13. I'm sure every parent can say the same about his or her school lacking behind the others. I will assume(lol) since all the head coaches get paid the same, their athletic budgets should be close but if you think about it, WB probably gets more for travel since 75% of it's district is in the Houston area while Ozen and Central compete within 35 min from home......
  14. I'll check on Charlton-Pollard but Hebert played @old Greenie Stadium and I think CP played @old Beaumont High campus......
  15. Thanks for the love PNG. 6 high schools with 2 school districts, all forced to close/combine via the courts. BISD wanted to spend 4 mil on Cardinal, which was part of a second 150 mil bond, but it was voted down....
  16. My whole thing is, if they're that good on the lower levels, why didn't they start on Fridays? I'm aware Ned's JV went 6-3 but I can tell you Ozen's JV went 9-1 and you don't see me hyping up Ozen except for post of them not being a finesse team on offense anymore. I was part of a team that lost 8 on offense and 9 on defense but that junior and sophmore classes behind us were top notch. I'm smart enough to know that some programs have lower levels that just step up after losing large senior classes but I'm also smart enough to know everybody's not able-----especialling losing 100% of your offense to graduation. Trust me, I know from experience.......
  17. Weathy as far as amount of tax revenue per the amount of students DV. Sabine Pass is another so-called rich school district as defined by what I thought was gone 'Robin Hood' property tax plan started in the early 90's.......
  18. You might want to look @ Cy-Fair's demographics again. Mostly White and affluent. Like their neighbors in Katy, and Ft. Bend, they are having a huge surge in population and have the need to build more schools and athletic facilities. I thought I read on their web site they're the second biggest ISD next to Houston. Back on topic, BISD tax payers are 'satisfied' to a certain extent because the West End and the Pear both got their schools back. What's left out of the discussion are the number of kids going to Kelly and Heritage Christan. Not huge numbers but quality student/athletes and Ozen's been losing the most...
  19. I'll throw a name out besides Derrick 'Frog' Hall. This Patterson kid from Ozen, who's a junior to be. He's doing the manditory workouts @Ozen plus being trained by a friend of mine at the gym. I look for him to make a splash barring injury. I also like lil Dugat from Dayton......
  20. I was told by a kid last name Patterson that they went 9-1 on the JV. Can you confirm and if so, how did the freshman do???
  21. Actually they won 2. The famous Monday night game, 7-6 Ozen @WO-S......
  22. I will never ever talk down how A Lou help those kids, you included, on to college. I'll give him all the credit for that. Just as a head coach, he under achieved. Plain and simple
  23. Central's no slouch. I've seen Stowers make in game adjustments to shut teams down. Other that WO-S, I don't see any other program year in, year out----wait a minute, Newton is pretty stout also. But that's it. Teams running variations of the Spread O has made them soft on defense
  24. But when your 0-8ish against MC dispite avg 6 D-1's per year, something is wrong with the program. Yeah he made the playoffs year 1 but was 2-8 and if Lumberton would've beaten them by 3 or more, they would've stayed home. Look how Brooks turned them around overnight by emphising defense. Even to the point of being 2nd behind Suggs' Central Jags in total defense. A Lou might have been around during the glory days of Hebert but he was observing from across Ave. A.......
  25. I still say Ozen has the toughest non-district schedule in 22 4A....
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