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Everything posted by SKINS

  1. I'm not saying that Muslims do not commit these terror attacks, I'm just sick of people here who think the words Islam and Terror are interchangeable. Especially when half my workday is filled by reading reports on leftwing extremists from Greece, or Mexican cartels commiting some other atrocity to mankind. Terrorism is not just Islam, that is only a small part.
  2. Shanny won't be the guy, manning can't run his system at this point.
  3. Sorry been at work, had to brief the CO on Nigeria. My information does not come from articles bit from unclassified reports that come across my desk.
  4. How about the Norway shooting gs back in 2011, Colorado, that school in Connecticut. All Terrorist attacks, though the media doesn't seem to like calling them that because they were not Muslim. How about Farc, continuously attacking the Columbian government, once again not Islamic.
  5. Not hard pressed at all. [Hidden Content] Just because you choose to ignore it doesnt mean other terrorist groups are not active.
  6. How about the Russian Terrorist beheadings.
  7. Just saying, more heads are cut off by Christians in a month than by Muslims in a year. Just ask Mexico.
  8. The less he does the better he is. The Cowboys won't win a Superbowl with him, but they won't find a for sure better QB in the draft.
  9. Man, I missed a lot. Good call by the refs, football Gods have brought balance back to the league. Sorry I missed all the mess talking.
  10. If that was the case then why did the Islamic store keeper hide off his customers during the hostage situation. Why are all the Islamic Nations fighting with us against the Terrorists.
  11. A lot of it also has to do with Sherman staying on his side, offenses move their best receiver away from him.
  12. Both of the interceptions were thrown to Torrey Smith, both times I thought that if Steve Smith was the one being thrown to it wouldn't have been picked.
  13. And as refugees.
  14. Same reason anyone goes anywhere, opportunity.
  15. Probably retiring, would love to see him in Washington though.
  16. We do, we don't drive knives under peoples fingertips, or chop of fingers and toestoes. And we definitely don't video and brag about beheading prisoners. We use only the most humane enhanced interrogation techniques.
  17. Finished the gumbo just before kickoffkickoff, perfect timing.
  18. No. But if you are carrying it in a way that someone calls the police you have the possibility of being shot.
  19. Mariota is going to need a coach who will adjust the system to him, Winston can pretty much go anywhere.
  20. Is this number eligible people, or overall people.
  21. Can't wait for people to realize just how stupid an idea that is.
  22. Then you sir should do some research, and you would find that not even Al-Qaeda can stand ISIS. They disowned them and they have been going back and forth since. ISIL was originally Al-Qaeda in Iraq, a few years ago they created the Al-Nusrah Front as their public face and government branch in Syria. When ISIL was disowned, Al-Nusrah front remainedloyal to Al-Qaeda, and has been fighting with ISIL since.
  23. Definitely not.
  24. Definitely doesn't look like ISIL, more like AQAP.
  25. Washington to hire Scot McCloughan as our GM. He is widely considered one of the top guys in the business, responible for building both the 49ers and Seahawks.
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