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Everything posted by SKINS

  1. Griffin just had one heck of a play for a TD.
  2. Looks like Cleveland just didn't show up. Manziel not looking good.
  3. 3rd and 4 and not a single receiver runs a route shorter than ten yards, Griffin sacked in 2.2 sec. Gruden has to go.
  4. McCoy benched after one drive, couldn't throw the ball more than five yards, they are saying his neck is acting up.
  5. I definitely agree with you, but maybe that's his lucky truck.
  6. Not every rich person has to drive a lambo
  7. Gruden is letting the team crumble.
  8. I believe we can give him a pass on this one with recent events in the Middle East.
  9. Just to head this off. Geneva conventions: The Conventions apply to a signatory nation even if the opposing nation is not a signatory, but only if the opposing nation "accepts and applies the provisions" of the Conventions.
  10. Mariota and its not close.
  11. Another day of zero offense, its becomer clearer every week exactly where the problem is.
  12. So instead of going to war with everyone maybe we should try to make peace with them? Sounds horrible, maybe I say that because I'll be the one getting shot at.
  13. Much easier to play with when you have a flack jacket and aren't sprinting down field every play.
  14. The one question I ask is do people know these transgenders as males before they had their surgeries? That makes a huge difference as far as the shower and hotels go. But genetically speaking they should have to compete with the original sex.
  15. I keep reading signs and heating people say they fear for their lives. Why? You planning on breaking the law?
  16. Johnny Benchwarmer for another week.
  17. SKINS


    You would have to prove the people who did the burning and looting, which apparently happened about ten minutes away, saw that tirade in some form.
  18. I really don't think that would happen, people would be calling for the BCS in a heartbeat.
  19. Video game championship for league of legends had more viewers than both the NBA Finals and the world series. [Hidden Content] Those are our two most popular international sports.
  20. [Hidden Content] Accused of adultery.
  21. SKINS


    Its different from celebrating and tainting because they were not celebrating or taunting. The NFL has the right to discipline them but I'm not sure if that move would help the NFL. Personally I would love to see small fines that get donated to help rebuild the damage in Ferguson.
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