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Everything posted by SKINS

  1. Good Intel, great training, better equipment, more will power, and a little luck.
  2. That's all nice and all that, but biblical times mean absolutely nothing to world legal status of territory. And if you think it does then you must agree with China who is using the same excuse to claim the entirety of the South China Sea. As for the Human Rights issues, just Google it, and you will get all kinds of stuff.
  3. People want to annoy Israel because they feel Israel was wrongly given their land. In all technicality a large section of Jerusalem is legally considered occupied territory. Israel has been breaking international law by building settlements on occupied territories for years, something that the U.S. continues to sweep under the rug. Throw that in with the illegal airstrikes, humans rights violations, the Gaza strip situations, and you have a lot of people who don't like them. Many people like to say the current administration does not have Israel's back, but if that was really true, China and Russia would have the world imposng more sanctions on them than Iran.
  4. That's the free market you love so much, they can hire imagrant workers for much less. It's good business.
  5. Just to remind everyone, it's Isreal that refuses to sign the NPT and allow UN inspectors into the country, not Iran.
  6. Do you people actually think President Obama actually comes up with military strategy? He gets a daily brief, and says yes or no to Certain operations and all campaigns. He said yes to the campaign against ISIL, he has nothing to do with it after that. We have generals and Admirals for that. Not a single person in the military would ever consider letting a President plan any sort of operation or campaign, they don't have the experience, knowledge, or time for it. Further more, if anyone would look more than one page into the fight against ISIL, you would see that there are very obvious reasons that we are taking our time. 1. They are doing our job in Syria for us. We can let them finish Assad off or we can send in U.S./UN forces and lose our soldiers. 2. Iran is draining resources on this war. Money, equipment, and men. Iran does not have the resources to fight this war, support the Huthis, and continue to enhance its military at the level it has been the last 5 years. Lebanese Hizbollah attacks are also down, they are busy fighting ISIL and the other rebel groups. 3. The region stays destabilized, and eyes are taken off of Israel. Nobody has the time or resources to annoy Israel right now. This is also distracting the world to the impending human rights violations that Israel is likely to receive over the last Gaza skirmish.
  7. Dam shame he got released. Men are not a females punching bag. Hope his lawyer gets her where it really hurts.
  8. Saying that he might miss part of the regular season. Dude just lost himself a lot of money.
  9. I'm allowed to laugh at this right?
  10. I would like to see Snyder officially move the team out of DC. Plenty of cities in Virginia that would love to host them.
  11. Iraq and Syria have repeatedly said no to Israel. Israel might be able to take out any country in the middle East but Syria's big brother would love an excuse to drop bombs on Israel.
  12. Wrong, Russian Christians declared open season on gays.
  13. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. He thought America had issues. He went through the proper process and got elected to the highest position of authority in the world by the American people. Remember that not all Americans are Southeast Texas extreme conservatives.
  14. So a guy saw some stuff about America he didn't agree with, and decided to do something about it. Can't say that about most Americans these days. Sad thing is, many people around the world see us the way that is written in your quoted passage. The only part of America that most of the world respects is the fact our military could destroy them.
  15. But it does. China is smart enough to use U.S. infrastructure in their attacks. Simply put, they use your computer. The NSA is not allowed to touch your computer without approval from the very highest levels. Even when a U.S. computer has been compromised, the NSA cannot identify that computer in reporting without months of waiting for approval. You guys should really read SP0018. That being said, cyber is a difficult field. It is always changing, and their are no rules. It is impossible to stay in front of the new techniques for intrusion. By the time our national firewalls are updated from the last intrusion a new piece of malware is already being sent out.
  16. People are so worried about privacy that the government/administration can't possibly stop these attacks from occurring. Our cyber rules of engagement are more restrictive than our current combat rules of engagement.
  17. This could have been prevented. Overly strict policies cripple the efforts of everyone working in n the governments cyber fields. There is a reason this came out while the patriot act is up in the air. Everyone screams privacy, but what about the privacy of those 4 million people.
  18. Hmmmm.
  19. Refugees from a war we had a big part in. Seems only right we give them a place to live away from all of the Chlorine bombs.
  20. He can't do anything without the host nations permission. Syria is highly unlikely to ever give us permission to bring troops in, and Iraq would prefer not to involve our troops.
  21. Would like to see the complete list of banned items.
  22. Never said I was an expert, and clearly stated my how I felt about basketball in relation to my comments, so no need to be rude. Can you blame a guy for finding the 38 year old guy who is running circles around everyone else and making plays all over the court to be the best player out there. Guy doesn't play like your typical NBA player, probably because he spent his whole career over seas. Basketball would be much better to watch with guys aging like that all the time.
  23. I watch every now and then. Its hard to watch to me, I hate pretty much everything about the sport. But its nice to see a guy play like that number 9 guy.
  24. Same game as you, but from the eyes of someone who despises basketball.
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