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Everything posted by SKINS

  1. Probably, but they will trade down as a first option
  2. I hope the Titans stay away from Mariota. Redskins need him for trade bait at 5.
  3. He is still in the league?
  4. Not my job, I'll leave that to the interrogaters.
  5. I'm not saying this is why he did it, there are probably a lot of reasons that are way over my clearance. But working Intel I know that a man who lived in a terrorist camp for a few years has more Intel than guys who were in our prison for 10 years. By default, all of our Gitmo detanies no longer have intelligence value, everything they may have once known has either been gathered, or is to old to be of use. Bergdahl has the most recent Intel.
  6. If anything classified ever was on those servers she just committed another big no no. Classified material can not be destroyed for a very specific date.
  7. I don't see what that has to do with Intelligence value. The guy is an absolute dirt bag, but when the trade happened he was more valuable than the prisoners on a strictly intelligence related scope.
  8. I'll spin it another way from my work point of view. Bergdahl has more intelligence value than any of those prisoners. Take it how you want, but that is a fact.
  9. Actually, its both, the two generally go together.
  10. He will serve a suspension, probably the two games under the old rule after the Peterson ruling. Unless the NFL gets the dirt on him paying off the chick.
  11. When teams didn't sell of the stadium, the game would not be shown locally.
  12. The NFL suspended its blackout policy for the upcoming season.
  13. First I would like to say, Russia is definitely are biggest for right now. Second, the threat is pretty hilarious, but true. The quote is being misrepresented. The ships would not be attacked in retaliation, but would become initial targets in the event of a war, due to their importance to NATO.
  14. Let's examine what he said. U.S. could see no indications of an operational link between the Islamic State group and Friday’s attacks in Yemen. He indicated that the U.S. was attempting to confirm if ISIS had the command-and-control infrastructure in place in Yemen to justify its claim of responsibility for the attack, but that the U.S. didn’t believe it was possible. Earnest asserted that ISIS may be falsely claiming credit for the attacks, “It does appear that these kinds of claims are often made for a perception that it benefits their propaganda efforts.” That's not defending.
  15. Didn't read anything about defending ISIS. But they are correct, an ISIS attack in a place with no ISIS presence is unlikely. Yemen is occupied by AQAP, who are much more likely the culprit. ISIS is probably claiming responsibility to stay in the headlines, which is one of their top priorities.
  16. That is definitely the IRGCs motto,thankfully, we and our great grandchildren got nothing to worry about.
  17. They came up with a device to tell people at hotels how much water they are using. Don't see the issue.
  18. Colt McCoy resigning.
  19. Nope. Worked out at QB. Kelly with Tebow is scary. He could run a wishbone.
  20. SKINS


    Webster does not define treason in the United States, only the law does.
  21. SKINS


    Don't get any ideas, what she did was definitely against the rules. Even as low on the Totem pole as I am, I definitely know that any official email has to be kept on the Goverment system. What she did is called spillage, and would result in a loss of clearance and jail for anyone else.
  22. Yes, the Bible is a Book with information that Christians believe in, same for every other religious text. It is its followers that give it truth. That is the great thing about Religion, its completely based off of a persons beliefs. That's why everyone sees the Bible and their religion a little different.
  23. Wish him the best, glad he didn't go to Dallas.
  24. I do, but that's because of my job.
  25. Once again, Iran is not invading anyone, or looking to invade. They are just looking to join the REST of the world as a nuclear nation. Also, Iran is backed by Russia. Are we going to sink Russian Ships delivering material for nuclear power plants?
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