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Everything posted by SKINS

  1. Has Bryant made any sort of statement on this?
  2. Going to cost him a lot of money if he doesn't.
  3. The vikings have already said they want him next year, so they are not going to negotiate for trade offers, they are going to ask for to much and hope someone will pull the trigger. If no one does, then you still have the best back from in the league.
  4. Cowboy's offered 16 million over 4 years.
  5. The Vikings have all the power here, AP will not be in Dallas next year. The Vikings will either keep him or trade him, and they are likely to ask a kings ransom, 1st round and more. The cowboys would not be able to handle his contract, its much higher than what they would have to pay Murray to keep him.
  6. No, I can just read it without bias.
  7. Doesn't say he is a Muslim, says he was possibly working with them.
  8. Compared to Hezbollah or AQAP, ISIL is the JV squad. While they may be more brutal to their prisoners, their capabilities are of almost no threat to the U.S..
  9. Redskins restructure D. Halls contract, no guaranteed cash. Allows us to keep him.
  10. No, unless he falls to the third round or so.
  11. I pike his mentality.
  12. No surprise here.
  13. The reason all Information is classified when dealing with foreign Intel is to protect the source. Its likely that releasing this information would have hurt someone on the other side. We will probably never find out who.
  14. Seeing how every Islamic nation is fighting ISIS, not in the least.
  15. Problem is, he is the exact same guy as Perry Riley, who was benched at time because of his deficiencies dropping back in coverage. The Skins could stop the run last year, just not the pass.
  16. Been there, done that.
  17. The people is different than the person. The flu shot I'm for, especially in public schools and the like. If you don't get the flu shot you could very well get me and anybody else sick. None of the other stuff have anything to do with the people, you being obese does not affect me in any way.
  18. Hence why we need a new constitution for the modern age.
  19. Its the governments job to protect the people, abortion is a subject the will never have anything to do with the people. Vaccinations have everything to do with the people. They are completely different.
  20. Two different categories. Abortion affects three people (mother, father, and potential child). Vaccinations, more specifically the lack of vaccinations, affect the entire country.
  21. We have been bombing ISIS since they invaded Iraq.
  22. China has pretty much anchored Russia's economy, it won't be collapsing anytime soon, they won't let it. But Venezuala was teetering on economic disaster, this short plummet of oil prices pushed them over the edge. And as soon as it did prices go back up, that's not a coincidence.
  23. For sure, Rb value is much better in the late rounds.
  24. I like this thread, could be fun.
  25. The goal was accomplished, anyone look into Venezuela's economy lately? You don't always need a bomb or troops.
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