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Everything posted by SKINS

  1. They had some big issues with ticket sales this year.
  2. Apple habenero wings.
  3. Syria's SAM site are launching missiles into Israel? Sudan is launching missiles at Israel? I'm not talking about Gaza or the Golan heights, Israel is conducting a bunch of illegal premedative strikes. I already said I like them, but they are going to cause trouble.
  4. Tony Dungy In his defense, the Seahawks were struggling before he came back, then they were great.
  5. Obama hates Netanyahu because is likely likely to start the next big war. Obama is against war and Netanyahu is provoking war with Syria and Iran. I love Israels "We don't give a dam" attitude, but its everything Obama is against. Israel has been walking a very thin line with an Illegal bombing campaing, one that is very likely going to ignite WW3. But that being said, Israel is essential doing the United State's dirty work. We fund their military, they take out Iran's shipping lines. That being said, what Israel is doing is going to cause serious backlash eventually, and we will be pulled into the fight.
  6. Make the playoffs.
  7. For lack of a better term, yes. They don't agree with the Afghanistan government, and have been fighting with them. Now they are in peace talks.
  8. We can call them what ever, but to target them in certain ways we have to give them certain labels. They evovled back in 2008 or so, took a more prominent role in politics, stopped their suicide bombings. Now they operate more like a rebel force. Taking them off the list also allows us to talk to them, something China has already been doing. Sometimes the game changes and we have to adapt the playbook.
  9. Its true. To a normal person an NFL ball would feel over inflated, can't squeeze the ball at all.
  10. Disgusting
  11. By the way, this has been coming for some time now, the Intelligence Community stopped calling the Taliban a terrorist group a while back. This way we can target them more as a crime organization which is more effective.
  12. I'll take this one. By definition the Taliban is not a Terrorist group. The are more of a terrorist government. The don't actually carry out attacks, the fund groups that do. Very bad people who need to be taken out, but not technically a terrorist group. [Hidden Content]
  13. Kelly wants his guy, Mariota has more potential.
  14. Double post.
  15. Mother Nature is punishing New England for cheating now.
  16. Patriot fans are funny.
  17. Apparently the rams are interested, Eagles might move up to ten, then move to 2 or 5 after, would probably a bit cheaper.
  18. Boom! If its true. Ban Brady!
  19. Naval armed guards are taught two to the chest. Always shoot to put down.
  20. you keep posting this as if it has some significance, 20 of the worlds hundreds wars? Most are simply revolutions of some kind against currupt governments.
  21. Muslim terrorist overthrow a American supported and possibly emplaced Muslim government in a Muslim country. There biggest beef was american drone strikes.
  22. I'm hoping for Washington travels in for thanksgiving, would give me a reason to head home.
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