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About toworreed

  • Birthday 10/28/1960
  1. The Abbeville team looks great. Dont know if they won their game tonight, yet. But they look like theyve been playing together a long time, anyone know anything about this team? Are there college players on their team? Catcher is awesome.. I'm impressed. But I still want MC to beat em when they get to em!! ;D
  2. Abbeville 5 TriCounty 1 middle of the 6th
  3. My goodness what a game! Proud of our boys..they pulled it out! Congrats to all of them. I have to say, the coaching was good. we used several pitchers, and all the boys did their part. That Wharton team can just flat HIT The Ball! But thanks to fair calls and good umps a real game of heads up baseball was played. I think its great that Cardenas got the HR.. it was the jumpstart we needed. Big game tomorrow... at 4pm... good luck to the team and the coaches!
  4. One of Abbevilles runs was on a single homer over left field. That kid can really hit the ball. I think it was the same boy that won the homerun derby competition.. sorry for not remembering his name. It was an excellent game, level of play was awesome!
  5. Our boys were making errors too, which gave the other team a few of their baserunners, which should have been easy outs. They are going to have to tighten it up the next game. I agree with the hitting, but also, the infield errors are gonna have to be reduced for them to stay in the game. Hope they can get it all working for the next game. Theres a lot of talent there.. they should be able to do it, and take it to the next level.
  6. Will someone post if game for tonight is changed? Hopefully by tonight the rain will be over. We were at the games in Bay City.. sorry this is so late, but just checking back in here. it was pretty crazy with all the bad calls. I saw both games.. and like terrier said.. hard to beat the umps. That was an understatement. Maybe they didnt want MC there because we didnt have to be. ..? The second game was horrendous. We're lucky we didnt lose more then one coach.. strikes, balls and bases were all very questionable. LOTS of times. whew.. ok, I had to post it.. We thought the kids did great considering the conditions. Losing that last game by one point was a great accomplishment with the way calls were going.
  7. i will go out to practice tonight and get one, then post it. Was anyone able to get a bracket? Is it posted in another thread? We are supposed to be going, and know the first game for 18's is 2:30 Fri. but I'd love to see the rest of the bracket. Do they do a seeding round? or is it double elim? Are there many teams participating? Sorry, I have so many questions, please bear with me. Thanks!
  8. Thanks for adding Sangster to the list.. I think its great that so many of our local players are able to go on to play in college. Ya'll will have to forgive me, as you can see with the number of posts I've got.. I'm kind of new here.
  9. Yeah, yesterday was our second week to be playing... well, maybe next season..
  10. Is the Co-ED summer league in Bmt already playing?
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