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Everything posted by SgtRey

  1. Good luck Titans!!! ;D ;D
  2. so are png's! Funny thing is BH is 4-2 and Crosby is 3-2. I would think the muddy conditions would normally favor PNG in this matchup because Jackson and company at Livingston are like waterbugs and rely heavily on the cutbacks and quick stop and go moves (big time athletes). It becomes hard to do that in slippery conditions. Whereas Harmon for PNG is a downhill runner. Now that being said PNG’s lack of playing on grass yet this year could become a problem. Good Luck to both teams. Hopefully everyone comes out healthy and everyone gets back home OK. All BS aside, good luck to you Indians! ;D ;D
  3. He'll be in our prayer's.....sorry for your family's loss...
  6. The field is tarped on the home sideline...I got a picture of the visitor's sideline...I don't think you guys have these at PNG.
  7. Congrads to everyone who is on the SETX Passing leaders list. 8) 8)
  8. Colin Garrett, Da' BROOK! I think he had 17 or 18 tackles at the half against Katy( we were down 13-0 or 13-7), and finished with 25 for the game.
  9. They also need to take into account, double and sometimes triple teams that some of these players may have to deal with every single game. that picture is Freaking HILARIOUS :D :D :D :D my side hurts :D :D
  10. Ok...now I'm a taddle tale.... :D ....
  11. Some people.... :D, It's funny how some people can yap behind a screen all day....I'm glad I am a father of 4.... ;D
  12. Oh look at me...I hide behind my screen talking about peoples kids....and I know everything.... ;D 225 Highway 365 If your in PA 1045 Monterrey Dr If your in BMT come on by and see me so you can meet the rest of my family...I'd love to introduce you to them to you... 8) 8) or call me 409-454-1128.
  13. Yeah...good for Kelly...I'm happy for the twinkle toes... :-* :-*
  14. I can help you ;D several people are....I hope your not going blind pumpkin... :-* :-*
  15. It must be the lack of rain dances....and many smoke signals ;D ;D
  16. Katy is fast. This year they might have the speed, but I lived in Katy for several years and my wife taught there. While I was there they won several state championships and runner up, and those years they had only a couple of fast kids. Next time, I'll be more specific for you Sgt. Rey. Your always yelling at me.... :D ;D
  17. I would too, PNG has played all of its games on turf. They have yet to play in the mud. Advantage Livingston, IMO. From what i have heard, the Indians have been practicing on the old practice field instead of the turf, and the coaches have watered the field. That is smart considering it has been raining... ??? I live in Port Neches and have been cutting my grass with no problems. It hadn't rained enough to create a problem there.That old practice field drains real well also. Well I am certain that if it's grass in Livingston, thier coaches will be flooding the visitor sidelines tomorrow for a lil extra help from DEM' SKEETERS Being that it takes 14-21 days for a mosquito to go from Egg--> Larva--> Pupa--> Adult Blood Sucking Mosquito........By flooding the field now, the mosquitos should be in full force for the Nederland game on October 23rd. Look back the past month and check the rain fall in Livingston....Dem Skeeters are waitin on INDIAN BLOOD :o
  18. CHA CHING. ;D She thinks she's so perfect and knows everything about everybody... : :
  19. I would too, PNG has played all of its games on turf. They have yet to play in the mud. Advantage Livingston, IMO. From what i have heard, the Indians have been practicing on the old practice field instead of the turf, and the coaches have watered the field. That is smart considering it has been raining... ??? I live in Port Neches and have been cutting my grass with no problems. It hadn't rained enough to create a problem there.That old practice field drains real well also. Well I am certain that if it's grass in Livingston, thier coaches will be flooding the visitor sidelines tomorrow for a lil extra help from DEM' SKEETERS
  20. So shouldn't PNG be higher, under your way of thinking? :D....I have PNG number one in the Nation
  21. Katy is fast.
  22. Oh so basically, UR boy is not worthy of mention....because....well.....ah, now you claim you don't have one....that is really sad.... :'( :'(, I'd never deni me not having my precious gifts....you really went low MS KELLY... :(
  23. I would too, PNG has played all of its games on turf. They have yet to play in the mud. Advantage Livingston, IMO. From what i have heard, the Indians have been practicing on the old practice field instead of the turf, and the coaches have watered the field. That is smart considering it has been raining... ???
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