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Posts posted by SgtRey

  1. [quote name="rykerx144" post="1083184" timestamp="1318645410"]
    I hope the fans in the stands at WB are not at critical and supportive as the internet fans.
    Been on the receiving end of it...sux, but it's part of the game...I may deal with it tomorrow in Missouri.
    QB is a very difficult position to criticize...cause it may not be his fault, but instead it could be the play call...or the situation the coach puts the QB in...make sence?
  2. [quote name="BMTSoulja1" post="1081198" timestamp="1318508922"]
    [quote author=El Sgt Rey (Hispanol) link=topic=89730.msg1081187#msg1081187 date=1318508111]
              [b]**********[/b]          [color=blue][b]WEST BROOK [/b][/color]HOME WITH THE [color=red][b]RED[/b][/color] [b][color=black]JERSEY[/color][/b]!!!!          [b]**********[/b]
    [/quote]What?  Those mismatch fake NY Giants knockoffs?
    [/quote]OK...wanna be GAG'EM
  3. [quote name="NorthoftheBorder" post="1075038" timestamp="1317937758"]
    Watched most of a 2 hr story last night that was mostly on Steve Bartman, the infamous fan who tried to catch what appeared to be a foul ball in game 6 of the 2003 NL series with the Florida Marlins.  It also talked about Bill Buckner.  The name of the program escapes me but it had "Hell" int he title.  I watched that game live.  I will never forget the treatment of Bartman by the fans and their is a lot of behind the scenes info of what happened afterward.  The guy is a total recluse still.  I think it is one of the most tragic stories in sports where someone didn't die.  The Cubs organization and the fans of Chicago should do something to free this guy from his self imposed exile.  It is the most ridiculous treatment of a person in sports that I have ever witnessed.  He did not lose the game for Chicago.  JMHO!!!
    GO BARTMAN!!! (I'm a White Sox fan).....FRREEEEEDDDOOOM !! (With my William Wallace voice)
  4. [quote name="Blackrose#2" post="1081033" timestamp="1318470511"]
    first off vidor is gonna dominate lcm. it is our homecoming and the boys are absolutely amazing.second off if you don't like polls then don't click on them or vote for them. there is no sense in being rude to people just cause they make a poll.
    who's being rude?...he said he likes to make polls...and I believe Vidor will win big... :o
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