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  1. THERE IS NO DOUBT IN MY MIND THAT MITCH IS PLAYER OF THE WEEK, and i didnt even go to the game. im from H-D. i broke my leg in the game against Hardin so ive been on the couch, in the chair, ect. but ive known mitch for awhile and he would def start on defence anywhere close to here. JMO. good luck to mitch and the rest of the Hornet squad this year, yall have some weapons. wish i could still play. but cant :-[
  2. thank you sir. i appreciate it alot. and thanks everyone on the hardin side of the feild for being very classy about it. that means alot to me. i have surgery tuesday morning. :-\
  3. this is number 9 Tim Taylor. i have a broken fibula, all of my ligaments are torn, and basically........my foot is not attached to my leg.......and i would like to thank everyone for the sopport. minimum im out for six weeks.......but BOBCATS FIGHT, NEVER DIE
  4. I LOVE IT!!! lets turn some heads H-D , they dont think we can do it ;D. LETS GIVE'EM SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT
  5. that was pretty pathetic. its probably just because joe's son whipped the snot out of him. lol. i.d.k. ive got your back joe. BACK TO THE TOPIC . . . . .23-1A
  6. thanks alot. it will be a great game if everyone shows up to play with everything.
  7. i am from H-D. and to be honest, i really dont see yall beating us. i mean, ya . . . . yall might just need something to hold on 2 from a couple of years ago, BUT THATS A COUPLE OF YEARS AGO. i wish W-H the best and everything. im just saying wats on my mind. you know how us H-D and W-H folks are, we hate each other so much it aint even funny. but we do have a respect for one another. LETS GO H-D.
  8. hold up johhar. u can take the big headed stuff back 2 batson. from what i played against last year.......i really dont see u making a dent in the district. sorry. it's just when i see a ridiculous post.......u gotta stop the person thats posting
  9. well we had the Humphrey brothers move back from Anahuac. the younger brother isaac has a ton of speed. he will be our starting RB. and we will have Jacolby at WR. and they will be playing at CB on D. we just gotta see how things turn out
  10. lets just see what the curtain will reveal fellas. . . . . .us bobcats have our doubters. but we have just a little bit more something in our football than anyone in our district. IT'S A HULL-DAISETTA THING. and i just know one u evadale people are gonna have some kind of smart mouth reply 2 this post. . . . .imma just sit and wait for it ;D. lets see H-D.
  11. and why is that "D-WADE". didnt have 2 much of a problem beating them even with super-star JOHN STELLY
  12. which kids do u think will stick out in the district? :-\
  13. not from Hardin....... but pretty close bud.
  14. can we get back on TOPIC fellas?
  15. well put. your exactly right. if u dont have an "o" line u wont get anywhere
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