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Everything posted by reddog24

  1. The 8u Gladiators are looking for (2) skilled baseball players to fill openings. If interested contact me @ 719-6987 or email: [email protected]
  2. No. Whatever their age was as of April 30th 2009. For example my son turns 8 Feb. 2010 so he will play as a 7yr old.
  3. Wow only three people think they are terrible. Sound like pretty good trainers to me
  4. Port Neches Little League needs Umpires for their Fall and Spring Baseball Leagues Fall Baseball begins Sept. 8th For more information contact David Schaper @ 656-5155
  5. I'm gonna sign up to coach and hopefully I get to. The cost is $70 for the 1st kid and $55 for the 2nd.
  6. Registration for Port Neches Fall Baseball will be Sat. July 25th & Sat. Aug. 1st from 10am til 2pm @ the Port Neches Little League Ball Park(Board Room) 5-6 TeeBall 7-8 Rookie League - Coach Pitch/Kid Pitch 9-10 Texas League 11-12 Major League
  7. Not now but I was..Off until Monday ;D..hope to come see TC play tonight..Good Luck
  8. Not gonna Bash you El Tigre. Enjoyed the post, just can't say that I totally agree. Can't say that it's an ego boost to say my kid is on a select team but I can say that I am proud of him and of the others that are on his team. Just because a parent says his kid is on a select team doesn't mean he thinks his kid is better than any other kid. My son got selected to play on the Gladiators last season and since then baseball is all he talks about. He does like Little League but gets much more from Gladiator Baseball. I'm not in it for an ego boost. I'm in it because my kid loves it and I'm not going to take that away from him. When he gets older he may change his mind but now he is having way to much fun. Also, I'm having a blast watching these kids play. They all love it. You said something about Fame and Fortune, not sure how you get fame and fortune from select. Would you care to elaborate? I also do not believe that Select Killed League..for example Look @ Bridge City, I feel that there All Star Teams are so good because the majority of them play Select.
  9. Ditto on the concession duty.
  10. Very good points from all. Last spring I coached my sons 7-8 yr old team which had 13 players on it. 10 could play on the field and we would roster bat. All kids had to play at least 2 innings. So to satisfy the parents I made sure my son sat out more than any kid. @ the end of the season I added up the innings he sat out and it equaled 5 games out of 15. Also he was lucky to get to bat twice during the game. That being said he still wants to play league to be with kids he hangs around @ school but as far as experience and learning the game select IMO is better for him. The kids he plays with in select make him a much better player and he has a blast with it. He is always asking when the next tourney is so we can go stay in a hotel. (YUK) More than likely my son will not make the pros but I want to give him the things that were not offered to me when I was that age. I'm going to let him play as much as he wants as long as I see that he is having fun.
  11. Heard GT lost today. Hopefully they will do better tomorrow.
  12. Don't you dare Diamond Dawg..lol.. ;D.. If going home would be something for you to consider I would definitely understand but you know your son is already with a great program. Plus I would come to your home and beat you up! >
  13. I have heard the same thing. My case doesn't sound as extreme as yours but after my son's first season of select Baseball that is all he wants to do. I do think that there are those that do get burned out but if they really love the game they will always want to play. I think the best example of that is the 16 yr. old phenom (Bryce Harper) that is on the cover of sports illustrated. There is a pretty cool article about him you should read if you haven't already. Bottom line is you know what is right for your son so if baseball is what he likes then let him play as much as he can as long as he is having fun. I think its hard to get burned out when your having fun. ;D Oh and if you are wondering why I'm posting so early in the morning I've got 2 words..SHIFT WORK
  14. That's kinda how i look @ it Scalp'em. The kids figure out real quick that if they get 4 balls the coach comes out instead of looking for a good pitch. My son isn't an elite player but I do think the older kids and the competitiveness of the next league will make him better. I'm not gonna lie I do worry about him getting hit by a pitch and never wanting to step back in the box. I've seen him become a much better player playing with kids on his select team that are really good ball players. He is going to play Rookie this Fall and hopefully he will be ready for Texas next spring. Maybe he will grow some by then as well. Thanks for your input.
  15. Way to go Hitters!! Good luck @ the World Series.
  16. Just wanted to get some thoughts on Kids playing up (baseball) with older kids. My son will be 8 next spring and I'm considering letting him play up with the 9 and 10yr olds. I have heard pros and cons and wanted to get some more input. :-\ Thanks
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