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Everything posted by AIW

  1. oh and your right.....OU SUCKS!
  2. Great show guys!!!
  3. Gabe ur favorite soccer players r in the house!!!!!
  4. I know some of those kids at memorial and they are fired up about this year
  5. This is gettin to be one of my favorite days of the week
  6. spending our time watching teams that don't suck........but it doesn't change the fact OU SUCKS!
  7. Bullets. I luv ya and all but u have to know that even with the best talent they can possibly have.......ou sucks. So sad! But true! (I may be slightly biased now that my man wears nothing but orange)
  8. Ou sucks more than any team EVER....in the history of EVER
  9. huh ??? OU sucks worse than the day i am having......and its a %^$&* bad day!
  10. OU sux more than how badly it sucked to not be able to get on SETXsports for the last week and a half....and that's terrible!!!! > >
  11. I taught Cru in the 8th grade....he was full of life and had a sweet spirit about him....
  12. can I come too??
  13. I know ou sucks ! I know it so much that I have burnt orange sheets and curtains !!!!!!!
  14. Imma have to slighly disagree with the owning nederland part ;)lol. Its in my blood. I have to say it
  15. Great show guys. So knowledgeable! Keep up the hard work I'm ready for the season !!!!
  16. Spoke with washburn and he is enjoying his practice so far with his team. Keep it up guys !! Proud of all the kids from setx that are representing our area
  17. Its Ms AIW ....and I was joking and forgot to put the smiley. I always enjoy ur banter....even when I don't agree with it.
  18. FF ....always spewing doubt .... Can't we save the bickering til soccer season....
  19. my favorite part yesterday was listening to it in someone's car....soooooo much better on the radio...lmao
  20. Hear her bro was pretty awesome too!!! and bias??? what bias????
  21. That's what I heard ....just as long as gsp doesn't talk. Lol
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