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Everything posted by Thunder14u

  1. Tryouts for the Texas Thunder97 (Chirafis) 12u , Texas Thunder98 (Higgins) 12u and 14-and-under girl's fastpitch softball teams will be held at various locations around the Golden Triangle during the month of August.. On Saturday, August 15, 2009 tryouts will be held at the Vidor Girls Softball Fields on Operators Lane. A final tryout will be held on Saturday, August 22, 2009 at Beaumont College Street Complex. All tryouts will take place from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. For more information contact any of the following coaches: Carl May (409) 782-5555 [email protected] John Chirafis (409) 540-6016 [email protected] Buddy Andrus (409) 893-8255 [email protected] Mike Higgins (409)782-0199 Frank Russell (409) 673-8264 [email protected]
  2. Tryouts for the Texas Thunder97 (Chirafis) 12u , Texas Thunder98 (Higgins) 12u and 14-and-under girl's fastpitch softball teams will be held at various locations around the Golden Triangle during the month of August.. On Saturday, August 15, 2009 tryouts will be held at the Vidor Girls Softball Fields on Operators Lane. A final tryout will be held on Saturday, August 22, 2009 at Beaumont College Street Complex. All tryouts will take place from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. For more information contact any of the following coaches: Carl May (409) 782-5555 [email protected] John Chirafis (409) 540-6016 [email protected] Buddy Andrus (409) 893-8255 [email protected] Mike Higgins (409)782-0199 Frank Russell (409) 673-8264 [email protected]
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