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  1. please accept my prayers to the family and friends of this young man as well. i'm originally from alto, and just two weeks ago today, a young man who graduated from class of 2009 was killed in the early morning hours. while you are at it, please pray for Kyle Denum's family, friends, and community too. He was a young man who enjoyed life, was a team player, and respected by all. It has really left a hole in his friends hearts.. God Bless all involved.. :-[
  2. why haven't the rankings been leaked yet? i'm so surprised that b/c usually by now, the are out and about on the net.. has anyone heard anything, and been sworn to be quiet with them.. LOL
  3. being an Alto fan, i was wondering if this game will be on the radio or internet for my listening pleasure? good luck to both teams, and may the best team on Sat. night win!!
  4. Price would have to make the playoffs for Alto to go small school. With what Grapeland has coming back, and Cayuga being loaded, don't look for Alto to go small school.. ~Lynn~
  5. it must be true, if it was reported on the radio, and in the newspaper... however if groveton wins the game is scheduled to be in tyler.. either way, tyler or dayton both have nice facilities. i was watching HS Extra Live, or whatever it's called with all the highlights and scores, and saw the Dayton highlights.. Gas right now in Nacogdoches, which i reside is $3.05 a gallon as of this morning. Good Luck to both the Indians and Bobcats!!! ~Lynn~
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